S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Your foresight has served you well: on finding notes in Strelok's group's stashes, you kept them until you found their rightful owner.
― Achievement description

A Keeper of Secrets is an achievement/trophy in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Earning the Achievement[]

This achievement can be earned by looting Strelok's stashes and returning the notes found in them to their rightful owner. All three stashes are located in Jupiter, in the following locations:

  1. Inside the cabin of the bucket-wheel excavator at the Quarry.
  2. In a small concrete tunnel underneath the cement factory, accessible from a hallway near the swamp.
  3. In the Jupiter plant, in the courtyard under a row of watertowers and stashed inside a bellmouth pipe.

The coordinates of these stashes can be acquired by completing the side mission UAV, although it is entirely possible to loot them without having obtained the coordinates beforehand.

The stashes contain a unique weapon, Strelok's SGI-5k, various supplies and three notes (A note to Strelok, A note to Ghost, A note to Fang). At the end of the game, while the player is locked inside the Laundromat at the start of the final mission, the player can talk to Strelok and give him the three notes to obtain this achievement.

