A note on the back of an old document: "Ghost, I'm taking my things. Thanks for the assault rifle - I'm going to need it. In exchange, I'm leaving you some of Doctor's medical supplies. I managed to trap the mercenary who was on my tail, so I'm not going to need them... I hope. I'm going to meet Fang now - he managed to put the decoder together. Let's meet at the usual place, if you can make it. Strelok."
― In-game description
A note to Ghost is a document in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
A note to Ghost is the first document found in the three Strelok's stashes, the coordinates of which can be obtained by completing the side mission UAV and having its memory module unblocked by either Nitro or Novikov. It is always found in the first stash the player searches alongside medical supplies.
The document can be sold to Owl for 500 RU or given to Strelok at the end of the main storyline which contributes towards getting the achievement A Keeper of Secrets.