Not far from the Jupiter plant a piece of the road fell through. They called this place Bitumen, because that's where the pavement melted. There're many anomalies in the gap - heat anomalies mixed with gravitational ones. And since it's two kinds of anomalies, the artifacts must be different, too.
― Stalkers' description
The Bitumen anomaly is a location in the area around Jupiter in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
An anomaly located north of the Jupiter plant, it was formed by the collapse of a road section that has since melted, hence the name. It is comprised of a cluster of Vortex and Burner anomalies with large amounts of ambient heat. The anomaly spawns artifacts of the thermal and gravitational varieties, by default a Gravi.
Two missions given by the Ecologists require the player to visit this area. One has the player plant an artifact scanner in the center of the Bitumen anomaly, while the other given by Ozersky has the player plant a mutant scanner, which causes snorks to appear in the vicinity. The artifact scanner will enable the player to monitor the presence of artifacts in the anomaly through their PDA.
Stalkers can be encountered at the anomaly. In addition, the Bitumen becomes a spawn point for snorks after Ozersky's mission is completed.