S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

The Stingray 1 black box which survived the crash. It should contain details of the flight's last moments, albeit in encrypted format.
― Item description

The Black Box is a quest item in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


Stingray 4, come in. Come in, dammit! Stingray 4, do you read? Attention Stingray group, this is Stingray 1. The emergency evacuation position is B28, I repeat, B28.
― Audio recording found on the black box

This black box is obtained by Major Alexander Degtyarev after he investigates the wreck of the Stingray 1 crash site in Yanov. The black box must be handed to Nitro, who will decrypt it for between 3000 and 1650 RU depending on how many items were brought back from the Cement factory as part of the side quest Radio equipment.

The recording Nitro can decode reveals that Colonel Kovalsky ordered the Stingray group to head towards evacuation point B28 in Pripyat after Stingray 4 went down. Assuming the mission Stingray 3: investigate the crash site has been completed, this will trigger the mission Road to Pripyat.
