S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki

Bloodsucker tentacles.

Bloodsucker tentacles can be retrieved from a bloodsucker's corpse in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.


The tentacles contain a special gland producing a ferment capable of dissolving the skin and simultaneously preventing blood from clotting. Discovering the ferment's composition could be the cornerstone of a whole series of great medical advances. [2]

Sidorovich says that Bloodsucker tentacles are a lucky charm for stalkers, saying that it can save them from death. And so, anyone who believe its supposed power pay a hefty price for it. [3]

Normal stalkers buy it for 1350 Ru, Skinflint buys for 2250 Ru, and Sakharov buys for 3750 Ru. This item is the most valuable item when compared with its weight. So don't sell whenever you find it, wait till you get to Sakharov's base alive.

Involved in missions[]


  • They can be found in Call of Pripyat at Tremor's hideout, possibly used to conceal his bad habit. They can't be picked up, however.


  1. 1.0 1.1 monster_items.ltx; v1.0006
  2. Bloodsucker tentacles item description
  3. Shadow of Chernobyl, Mission: Bring the jaw of the Bloodsucker