The Boat park is a location in the Swamps in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
The boat park is located in the northwestern part of the map and is one of the northernmost locations that can be captured. It is comprised of a single building and a boathouse.
Clear Sky[]
The boat park is initially held by Renegades but may be captured by Clear Sky members, although this outcome is rather unusual due to the remote location of the area. The Boat park counts as a resource territory, meaning that securing it is necessary to max out Clear Sky's resources which will lead to the apparition of Exoskeleton-clad Clear Sky experts within the Swamps.
A Akm 74/2U can be found in a locker in the station, requested by a Clear Sky squad leader as part of an optional side mission. The weapon only appears when the associated quest has been obtained.