Bring over the tail of the pseudodog is an optional repeatable mission featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
Winter's coming soon. And what do chicks like to wear there on the Big Land during winter? That's right - furs. So now there's a new fashion going around, making various accessories from the tails of pseudodogs. It's some sort of special fur! Bottom line, there's an order for such a tail. Will you take it?
― Sidorovich.
Acquiring the mission[]
The mission is given by Sidorovich as a first 'bring a part of a monster body' mission and is available at the start of the game.
It entails finding and killing a pseudodog, then looting the body for the dog's tail. Due to the relative rarity of pseudodogs(according to the pseudodog page, they are common, not rare), and the low chance of a dead one actually having a tail as loot, this quest can sometimes be difficult to complete. The tail of a pseudodog can be searched for in Cordon next to the rookie village where you can help the downed stalker. There is a mission that involves the destruction of a dog lair, so a tail can be found then. If all else fails you can just endlessly kill them in hope of a tail; but this is a long and tedious process.
- 1500 RU and 50 12×76 Dart rounds.
- As with all side missions, it helps to bargain from a position of strength, so try to have the item before taking the mission.
- There are only a few Pseudodogs in Cordon: one spawns on the end of a closed road to Dark Valley, two more spawn to East of the place where Fox can be found. After re-entering Cordon, pseudodogs may also spawn to East of the main road between Military outpost and Railway bridge.
- Pseudodogs are pretty common in many other areas and they will find the player on several occasions.
- If dart shells are deemed necessary in the early game, this seems to be a pretty good deal overall, especially if the player wants to eliminate the Military outpost on the Railway bridge without wasting 5.45×39 mm ammunition – valuable and uncommon at this stage of the game. Compare with the other, similarly rewarded mission given by Sakharov.
- This is one of a few ways to get dart type of shotgun ammo; 10 more dart rounds can be found in the Freedom base in Army Warehouses, and 50 more rounds can be received after completing another of Sidorovich's quests – Bring the jaw of the Bloodsucker.
Initial dialogue[]
- "Winter's coming soon. And what do chicks like to wear there on the Big Land during winter? That's right - furs. So now there's a new fashion going around, making various accessories from the tails of pseudodogs. It's some sort of special fur! Bottom line, there's an order for such a tail. Will you take it?"
- ↑ Shadow of Chernobyl 1.0006; task_manager.ltx