S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Wiki For the location in the Swamps, see Burnt farmstead (Swamps).

There are plenty of heat anomalies at the burnt farmstead up on the hill. People find fire artifacts there. Look in the houses: whichever's got the most anomalies in it after an emission, that's where the artifacts will be.
― Loners' description

The Burnt farmstead is a location in Zaton in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


The location is set in a farmstead comprised of multiple burned out buildings to the west of the Skadovsk. The farmstead has numerous Burners, mostly concentrated in the burnt houses but also outside. In addition, there is a Space Anomaly on the eastern cliff overlooking the Skadovsk, that teleports the player to the Southern plateau. Under the farmstead itself is a cave system which is also full of anomalies and another artifact spawning ground.

Artifacts mostly spawn inside the houses. By default, a Crystal can be found here.


Call of Pripyat[]

The farmstead is featured in the mission Getting to the Plateau where Noah shows the way to the Space Anomaly that teleports the player to the Southern plateau where one of the Stingray helicopters has crashed.

Random Loners or Bandits may explore the area.


  • Stash containing a Vintar BC; on top of one of the buildings, the one in the northwest. The coordinates are received for completing the Compass mission for Beard.

