They say that there's somebody's safe here, but there's no way to get to it because of the radiation.
― PDA description
Chest with goods (Yantar) is a stash in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
- In the pile of ducting near the Mobile lab.
Obtaining the info []
- Usually from a deceased Duty expert at the Duty Farmhouse in Army Warehouse area.
- May not be forthcoming early in the game, so keep 'interviewing' the stiffs on different visits to the locale.
- May also be given by a named expert Bandit (Friar, Poker)
- The resident body near the Lab X-18 entrance, if Monolithian, may also provide the info.
- Odds of finding this (and many other Yantar co-ordinates) will be greatly improved if Freedom win the showdown since the Duty bodies tend not to be removed from the board.