Have you seen a Circus anomaly? It's a huge springboard anomaly with two comets going round and round - quite a sight to behold. Behold it from a distance, though, because Circus is hot as hell, with lots of heat anomalies. It's got plenty of artifacts, too, but they're guarded by a nasty fire poltergeist that tries to roast you up when you come near.
― Loners' description
The Circus anomaly is a location in Zaton in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
The Circus Anomaly is a flame-based anomaly located in southern Zaton between the Substation Workshop and Southern Plateau. It consists of a depression in the earth encircled by two counter-rotating Comet anomalies and several Burners at its center as well as the occasional Pyrogeist; the center of this anomaly generates immense levels of ambient heat. Hovering above the center of this anomaly is also a Whirligig which is likely responsible for the depression.
The Circus spawns fire-based artifacts, by default a Fireball. Considering the large amount of ambient heat, it is recommended to acquire an outfit with a high level of thermal protection before exploring it.
There is a firecamp besides the anomaly where the occasional Bandits or Loners may be found.
- Stash containing 100 rounds of 7.62x54mm PP; to the north of the anomaly, where the road splits into two, hidden in a tree.
- Loners mention a Springboard anomaly when talking about the Circus, but there is no anomaly of this type at the location.