If you're after artifacts, go for the acid kind. The best place to get those is the Concrete Bath. You won't have a lot of competition: no one likes that place because of its proximity to the Jupiter building.
― Stalkers' description
The Concrete Bath anomaly is a location in the area around Jupiter in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
A cluster of gas anomalies with the associated acidic environment located west of the Jupiter plant, in a cooling pond full of green liquid, with what appears to be foundations for a section of the plant that was never built. The liquid itself is not harmful, but is full of Gas anomalies that may be hard to notice.
A single artifact of the chemical variety can spawn here at a time, by default a Soul. Artifacts will be frequently found on the platform at the other end of the pool, but may be found in the water as well. Getting to the platform requires the player to jump on the foundations by following a certain path, as certain foundations have steel beams making it impossible to jump on them. Falling into the liquid will force the player to return to the other side and try again. After reaching the platform, there is a ladder which enables access to a nearby walkway, allowing the player to safely exit the anomaly.
Mutants are frequently encountered by the pool, and the location is a spawn point for blind dogs and pseudodogs. In addition, to the southeast of the anomaly, is a camp and a bridge occupied by a group of hostile Bandits, which contains several medical supplies.
A mission by the scientists requires the player to plant an artifact scanner just in front of the pool, which allows the player to monitor the presence of artifacts in the anomaly through their PDA.
- Six first-aid kits, three bandages, five anti-radiation drugs and three bottles of Cossacks vodka can be found at the bandits' camp.
- Stash containing 50 rounds of 9x19mm FMJ, 100 rounds of .45 ACP FMJ, 90 rounds of 9x39mm PAB-9, 180 rounds of 5.45x39mm FMJ and 5.56x45mm SS109, two bandages, three first-aid kits, two antirads, three cans of Tourist's Breakfast and a vodka; west of the Concrete Bath and north of the bandits' camp, inside a section of ventilation shaft laying on the ground north of the bridge.
- The bandits will be hostile to the player no matter their standing with the faction. In addition, they do not respawn when killed; random stalkers may be found at the camp instead after the squad is eliminated.
- The squad is tied to a script that causes them to be instantly aware of the player's location if they are spotted by the watchman patrolling on the bridge.
- If an artifact has spawned on the platform, one may simply go into the liquid, reach the edge of the platform with a detector at hand and jump to grab the artifact, which avoids the route through the foundations. The player may also shoot the artifact to have it fall down into the water.