The Train hangar, or Depot, is a location in the Garbage featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
Prior to the 1986 disaster, this building served as a maintenance depot for trains. One of the most important locations in the Garbage, the depot provides a strategic place for stalkers.
Shadow of Chernobyl[]
The Train Hangar is occupied by a group of Loners led by Seriy. The Marked One seeks out Seriy as part of the main quest, and finds him in the Train Hangar at the center of the Garbage. After beating back a gang of raiding Bandits, Seriy can be talked to for information about Strelok and the next main quest objective, which is to locate Mole.
Clear Sky[]
In Clear Sky, the Depot serves as the Bandits' main headquarters. It is where the leader, Yoga, is found, as well as several important characters. The Depot does not play a major role in the main story, but is a key location should the player get involved in the Faction Wars.
As with most faction bases, the use of weapons is prohibited within the Depot provided the player is on neutral or friendly terms with the Bandits. It is worth noting that unlike Shadow of Chernobyl, the Depot can only be accessed from its western entrance. Inside the hangar itself, the player can find Limpid's workshop and Tooth's store. Just outside the depot is Borov's bar as well as Flayer's shooting range.
If the player joins the Loners as part of the Faction Wars, then the Depot will be the final objective of the war. Upon capturing the building, the war is marked as complete, although it is not unusual for Bandits to continue respawning within the Depot and push the Loners out.
Shadow of Chernobyl[]
The following stashes are found in this location:
Clear Sky[]
A Moonlight and a Night Star can be found in the basement of the Depot. The basement is accessed from an entrance located near Tooth's store. The basement is only accessible if the player has good relations with the Bandits (such as by joining the faction) or after killing all the Bandits in the hangar..
Depot is a location in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl.