You know where the dredge station is? It's been battered up by gravitational anomalies, but not too bad for an experienced stalker. Just keep throwing bolts as usual. There's also radiation, inside and out - it's like being next to a massive chunk of enriched uranium.
― Loners' description
The Dredge station is a location in Zaton in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
The Dredge station is comprised of an old dredging barge which has run aground in a small body of water in northeastern Zaton. Next to the barge is a floating platform littered with various objects, alongside a crane. The inside of the tug can be accessed from the rear; it has three accessible levels.
The station is infested with Springboard anomalies and is also highly radioactive. The station spawns gravitational-type artifacts, by default a Night Star.
Call of Pripyat[]
One mission given by Beard requires the player to visit the station and investigate the source of mysterious lights that were observed by local stalkers at the station. The source turns out of be the tug's steering wheel which has turned into a semi-artifact. Upon leaving the barge, the player will be confronted by Tuna demanding the player to hand over the artifact.
After completing the mission, random Loners and Bandits may be seen at the station.
- Stash containing 150 rounds of 9x18mm FMJ and 100 rounds of 9x19mm FMJ; underneath the boards that make up the floating platform, towards the entrance to the walkway.
- Stash containing a bottle of Cossacks vodka and a can of Tourist's Breakfast; inside the tug itself, in a small room. The door is initially closed and must be unlocked by destroying the crate behind it.
- Stash containing a first-aid kit and two Radioprotectants; on a dead tree to the south of the station.