S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Listen... Oh, never mind. I don't think any of our people will show up at the location anyway. If you do spot any military around here, let me know, OK? Thanks in advance...
― Lieutenant Sokolov

Evacuation locations - B205 is a main mission in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


This mission is acquired, along with two other evacuation sites, by completing the Stingray 3: investigate the crash site mission. The target on the PDA map is on the Volkhov AA Complex and the mission is completed by exploring the building to discover Sokolov's Note explaining that he survived the crash, but after spending two days at the evacuation site, he decided to head to the Mobile Lab for safety.


  • Sokolov's Note unlocks a door found in the lower level of the base, which leads to the armory above ground. Reaching the armoy requires the player to defeat Rodents and a Burer. On the armory, the following loot is found: AKM-74/2 x4 (in need of repair before traders will take them), RPG-7u and OG-7V warhead x2, PMm x4, F1 grenade x4, and 5.45x39mm BP x240.
  • Sokolov's Note can be given back to Sokolov for an army medkit.
  • Burers will begin spawning in Jupiter after the mission is completed.

See Also[]
