S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl.

The Factory, also known as the Bandit camp and the Freedom base, is a location in the Dark Valley featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. It appears in the Garbage in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl, where it it known as Plant.


A large factory building with an adjacent building under construction, it is the most prominent location in the Dark Valley. Most of the workshops were abandoned and looted a long time ago. Across the main road is a fuel storage building and vehicle refueling facility. The factory being a fortified location, it became home successively to the Freedom and Bandits factions throughout the history of the Zone.

The facility is comprised of multiple buildings and storage sites and a workshop. Most of the site is surrounded by a fence with multiple watchtowers.


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

In Shadow of Chernobyl, the Dark Valley is controlled by Bandits and this building is their main base. The main mission for this site is given by Barkeep, and requires the player to get one of the keys for Lab X-18 from Borov, the bandit leader. To do this, the player must infiltrate the base and kill Borov.

Upon approaching, a mission update provided by Barkeep gives the player an indicated entry via the sewer from the local swamp and a point of egress via the walkway extending to the suth. Within the Base there are 25-30 bandits armed with sawn-off dbl-barrels, Viper 5s, Akm 74/2 and Akm 74/2U rifles. However the majority of the opposition are noisy and inattentive in varying degrees.

The location also has some reasonable loot in the fully patched game but is far less generous than the unpatched game. In the ground floor of the main building there is an armory strongroom with arms and armor. In the basement there's also a prison cell in which a Dutyer is held prisoner. The player must free him as part of a secondary mission, Free the Dutyer from prison.

Several attack strategies are available.

Entrance by Sewer[]

Self explanatory, but two obvious routes to the target (Borov) are pertinent.

  • The scenic route via the warehouse skyway, knocking out opposition on the way to the strongroom and ultimately, the target.
  • The back way, dropping the minimal resistance by the sewer, dodging the anomalies near Backpack in a secret place, running through the radiation hazard and into the office end of the Base by way of the loading bay. This avoids all but about 6 of the remaining bandits and raiding the strongroom is still easily accomplished.

Entrance by Front Gate[]

Probably the most appealing if the player is entering the base after the Free the Dutyer mission is determined.

  • With or without a scoped rifle, the single guard can usually be taken by surprise.
  • The motor pool provides good cover from initial opposition, has a few packing cases for added opportunity and often has spawn points for Fireball or Droplets artifacts.
  • Again, the player may elect to choose the more direct route via the skyway or the side route mentioned previously.

Base Exit[]

The mission indicates that the player should exit via the elevated walkway during which a mission update is provided instructing the player to "Find the entrance to the Lab"

Exiting through the sewer or front gate is also possible.

Clear Sky[]

In Clear Sky, the Factory serves as the headquarters of the Freedom faction. The factory must be visited as part of the main story, as the player is required to talk to Freedom leaders regarding Fang's whereabouts. Initially, parts of the factory are inaccessible due to the quarantine, but as the player progresses through the main story, more locations open up.

As with most faction headquarters, the use of weapons is forbidden within the facility, provided the player is on friendly or neutral terms with Freedom. The factory is home to Freedom's leader, Chekhov, and his right-hand man, Lingov. The player can also find Yar's workshop, Ashot's store and Ganja's bar at the factory.

If the player joins Duty as part of the Faction Wars, then the factory serves as the war's final target.


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

Borov holds Borov's key, a mission item that must be acquired as part of the main story.

Using the side route might lead the player into an early confrontation with Friar, who holds the unique Storming Obokan. After Borov's death, Poker may spawn outside near the motor pool, carrying the unique Threaded SPSA14.

The works caravan near the sewer contains a Merc suit. The packing case in the loading bay contains a Crystal Thorn. The box in Borov's office may contain more than one PSO-1 scope as well as some useful ammunition. These items seem to be a side effect of the Bandit respawning process. There is also a lot of food in his office.

One of the oil pits in the vehicle pool contains an Obokan and 60 5.45x39mm rounds, guarded by two Burners.

The armory in the building under construction contains a large amount of items, such as multiple Akm 74/2Us and Viper 5s, thirty Cossacks vodka bottles, large quantities of 5.45x39mm FMJ, 9x19mm FMJ, 12x70 Buckshot and 12x76 Slug ammunition alongside a VOG-25 Grenade.

The following stashes are found in this location:

Several other stashes are located close to the Bandit Base as well.

Clear Sky[]

The trailer inside the complex has a metal box with a Bandage and 59 rounds of 9x19mm FMJ.

The following stashes are found in this location:

