Well, this here is the flea market, so I guess that makes us flea marketers. He-he, we're traders, buddy - we sell small stuff here and there...I'll be straight with you: our goods are crap, but hey, at least we're still in business, right? So, you come to trade or just to chat?
― Loners
The Flea Market is a location in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl.
This ruined building is a triangle shaped broken-down three story building near the northern end of the main route in the Garbage, just southeast to the Duty checkpoint. The two stories are nothing more than the broken floors of the old building accessed by a ramp. A statue of the iconic Soviet hammer and sickle stands intact at the front of the building.
Shadow of Chernobyl[]
In Shadow of Chernobyl, the ruin is unoccupied and is only used as a sniper nest for a trap laid by Bandits to lure the unsuspecting player to rescue a fellow stalker. This is the SOS Signal mission that occasionally appears when first entering the Garbage. Besides this, the location has no critical meaning in the game to the point of not even being called any name in particular.
Even though this place is occupied by bandits, it is next to the Duty outpost, meaning one can lure the Bandits away from the market towards the outpost resulting in Dutyers opening fire on the bandits.
Many Whirligig anomalies concentrate in this area, and there is a campfire at the base of the wall. Low level artifacts are often found here.
Clear Sky[]
At the start of the game, it is the only safe place for Loners in the entire Garbage. As the name implies, the flea market is a small center of trade and Scar has the opportunity to purchase goods and repair services. Wild Napr can also be found at the flea market. If the player sides with the loners this is a good place to be used as a safe-house as it has both a trader and a technician as well a storage box to stash excess loot.
As part of the Faction Wars, Bandits will often try to overrun the flea market, possibly killing the traders in the process. If the player sides with the Bandits, then Yoga may provide a quest requiring the player to wipe out the stalkers at the market. If the Bandits have taken over the market, then they may be attacked by either Duty or Freedom squads.
The market is briefly featured in the main story, as the player is ambushed and mugged by Bandits in the basement of the market while tracking down the signal of Fang's PDA.
Heart of Chornobyl
There is a duffel bag on top of the building with some consumables and ammo.
Shadow of Chernobyl[]
There is a metal box in the sniper nest.
The following stashes are found in this location:
Flea Market is a location in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl.