S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl.

The GP37 is a 5.56x45mm assault rifle featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl.


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

A German assault rifle. It is a first-grade specimen of the modern weaponry: it is light, reliable, and ergonomic.
― In-game description

The GP 37 sports an internal scope, making it very viable as a marksman weapon. Accuracy is good, recoil is relatively low and the damage per shot makes it multipurpose on all ranges. Significant downsides, however, include that its reload time is quite long compared to other weapons of its class, and that it cannot mount a grenade launcher nor a suppressor. Also, due to its high rate of fire (actually the highest of all other assault rifles and automatic weapons in general), it is the most unreliable weapon in-game (even worse than Viper 5 in that respect, which is also one of the least reliable weapons in game) and its condition bar depletes visibly faster than that of most others. However, it still relatively rarely jams (at least until its bar reaches around half or lower condition), in contrast to an Akm 74/2U as an example, which already starts to frequently jam once its condition bar is only slightly depleted. Its accuracy, however, suffers greatly due to present unreliability, so the GP 37, although being one of the most efficient weapons in game, is not suitable for longer use and should soon be replaced with a new one, if possible. The best way to save condition and accuracy with it as long as possible is to make headshots, since this generally requires only a round or few and is relatively easy to achieve due to high accuracy of the weapon and its integrated optical scope.

Its closest competitors are the Sniper SGI and the FT-200M. The Sniper SGI sports a better reload time and scope magnification as well as the ability to mount an M203 grenade launcher, while having slightly lower overall stats. The FT-200M is better in almost all stats, and also features an integrated grenade launcher - the only issue is that it can be acquired only in the Sarcophagus level.


The GP 37 is commonly used by Freedom and Monolith experts based in the Army Warehouses, Red Forest, Pripyat and on the outskirts of the Chernobyl NPP. The GP37 can be easily acquired at the Barrier, as both the attacking Monolithians and the defending Freedom stalkers use this weapon.

The GP37 is sold by Skinflint, and by Barkeep after retrieving the Documents from Lab X16.

Several stashes contain this weapon, the player can acquire the coordinates of one such stash (The agreed-upon secret stash) from the body of one of Skull's party members in the Army Warehouses. Another stash that contains this weapon is Supplies of the leader of Freedom.

Notable users:

Unique variants[]

  • A special GP 37 was meant to be obtained from the Crystal squad of Monolith stalkers found inside the Monolith Control Center. It features higher damage and accuracy than the base model. This weapon is featured in a few builds, but is not actually present in the final release of the game.

Clear Sky[]

This German-made assault rifle is a first-rate example of a modern weapon - lightweight, reliable and ergonomic. Uses 5.56x45 mm ammo.
― In-game description

The GP 37 is still a top tier weapon and it can be upgraded to have very high rate of fire, or lower recoil than similar assault rifles. If modified for sniping, the GP 37 is one of the best assault rifles converted for sniper use due to its already superior accuracy and its custom scope. The player can add an M203 grenade launcher to it if one modifies it for assault purposes. It can be also mounted with a silencer by default. Unlike most of the NATO rifles, it cannot be modified to fire the 5.45x39mm rounds. If the player is inclined to use the sniper upgrade tree for the GP-37, such a weapon compares exceptionally well to other assault rifles upgraded this way. It trumps others in accuracy (by 2 "notches") and is as accurate as a unmodified SVDm-2. It matches the AC96/2 for damage, while being surpassed in this family only by the SGI 5K (by one "notch"). Its handling matches both the TRs 301 and Akm 74/2, while the fire rate, and fire modes, match a TRs 301 (if the TRs is fully upgraded for sniping). At the same time it's only 0.1kg heavier than a scoped Akm 74/2. Essentially all the rifle parameters (except damage) are the best in the assault-sniper family.

Despite the weapon being very rare and unique, it is outclassed in almost all stats by the FT-200M, which is given by the Clear Sky faction after lowering the bridge to Limansk. Unless the player manages to acquire the GP 37 before Limansk, it is generally useless due to the fact the FT-200M sports better overall stats, has almost the same upgrades tree and has a grenade launcher by default.


The GP 37 is a very rare weapon as no stalkers use this rifle. A GP 37 is awarded to the player by Tooth along with a Bulldog 6 for joining the Bandits and eliminating the Loners' base in the Cordon.

Another GP 37 is available as a reward for an optional side mission given by random Loners, Duty, Freedom or Mercenaries squad leaders in the Army Warehouses, requiring the player to bring back a Flame artifact from one of the houses in the Bloodsucker village. As a reward, the player is given a GP37 along with 120 5.56x45mm AP rounds.


Only the Clear Sky technician Grey can fully upgrade this weapon. Limpid and Yar are the only other technicians that can upgrade the GP37, but they cannot fully upgrade it, although Yar can install the final accuracy upgrade for it. It should be noted that any upgrades made after acquiring the 4x scope will revert its value to 1.6x.

Color-coded upgrades are mutually exclusive.

SCS AR Upg 1
Bolt mechanism modification (2500 RU)
CS RoF Fire rate +15%
A technological modification of the bolt mechanism allows for a higher rate of fire.
SCS AR Upg 2
Bolt mechanism modification (2500 RU)
CS accuracy Accuracy +30%
Careful adjustment of the bolt mechanism increases the weapon's precision.
SCS AR Upg 8
Improved mechanism balance (3750 RU)
CS RoF Fire rate +25%
Better balancing of the mechanism's working parts allows the weapon's rate of fire to be significantly increased.
SCS AR Upg 12
Barrel replacement (3750 RU)
CS Flatness Flatness +50%
This durable steel barrel resists deformation and allows for better bullet acceleration.
SCS AR Upg 20
Barrel cooling (6250 RU)
CS RoF Fire rate +50%
A barrel cooling system allows the weapon's rate of fire to be increased further with no risk of barrel deformation.
SCS AR Upg 21
Electronic stabilizer (6250 RU)
CS accuracy Accuracy +40%
Automatically adjusts bullet momentum and significantly increases firing accuracy.
SCS AR Upg 4
Operating rod modification (2500 RU)
CS Kickback Recoil -50%
Mounting an operating rod compensator allows recoil to be reduced.
SCS AR Upg 5
Operating rod modification (2500 RU)
CS Kickback Recoil -30%, RPM lowered
Reducing operating rod weight reduces recoil at the expense of the weapon's rate of fire.
SCS AR Upg 9
Under-barrel attachment mount (2500 RU)
CoP Grnd.lnchr Underbarrel mount
Allows you to attach an under-barrel grenade launcher to your weapon.
SCS AR Upg 3
Barrel modification (2500 RU)
CS Flatness Flatness +50%
An attachment which lengthens the barrel, increasing muzzle velocity.
SCS AR Upg 7
Barrel modification (3750 RU)
CS Kickback Recoil -20%
Installing a muzzle brake allows recoil to be reduced significantly.
SCS AR Upg 13
Soft trigger (3750 RU)
CS accuracy Accuracy +40%
A smooth trigger pull allows firing accuracy to be increased.
SCS AR Upg Scope 16x
Built-in scope 1.6x (2500 RU)
CoP x1.6.optics Optical scope x1.6
The 1.6x scope restricts the shooter's field of vision as little as possible and is ideal for assault operations.
SCS AR Upg Scope 4x
Built-in scope 4x (2500 RU)
CoP x4.optics Built-in scope x4
With a 4x scope, any weapon becomes fit for sniping.
SCS AR Upg 6
Extended magazine (2500 RU)
CoP MagCap Mag. size +15
Increasing magazine capacity using improvised means.

Call of Pripyat[]

A new addition to the Western-made assault rifle family, which differs significantly from previous models in the series built on an automatic foundation with a semi-open bolt assembly, this weapon is more like American automatic gas-operated assault rifles with a short-stroke gas piston system. These changes ensure that the rifle is a first-rate example of a modern weapon - lightweight, reliable and ergonomic.
― In-game description


Upgrade view

In Call of Pripyat, it is one of the best sniper analogues in the game once upgraded, having sniper-grade accuracy, high durability, the lowest recoil for a rifle in the game (barring the Gauss rifle) and being relatively cheap with common ammunition. By default it comes with a x1.6 scope. It arguably becomes the best assault rifle for sniping purposes in the game once Tier 3 upgrades are available to the player, as it can be upgraded to have 100% accuracy with no rate of fire loss - a feat only matched by the Vintar BC and the SVDm-2. Its performance as an assault weapon is also satisfactory, the low recoil coupled with superb handling and damage will make short work of enemies at close range. Its reliability is also very high, being nearly as reliable as the AKM-74/2.

The GP37 is easily one of the best 5.56mm assault rifles, rivaled only by the FT-200M and Strelok's SGI 5k. The FT-200M sports an integrated grenade launcher (that the GP37 cannot even mount), has fire rate upgrades and its scope can be upgraded with target identification, while having lower stock fire rate and more recoil. Strelok's SGI has more damage per shot, can mount a scope, grenade launcher and suppressor, has more upgrades but has lower accuracy and handling, as well as more recoil.

The built-in scope can be modified for either close-range combat, high-contrast sight, NVG, or adjustable magnification. Due to an oversight in the upgrade text files, the scope upgrade description mentions that the upgrade restricts the weapon's scope to x1.6 but in reality, this actually increases scope zoom to x4.0 rather than restrict.


In Call of Pripyat, the GP37 is much more common than its previous iteration. It is used by Experts of the Freedom, Loners, Mercenaries and Monolith factions. Due to an oversight in the game's scripts, Monolith experts with the weapon will carry 5.45x39mm ammunition instead of 5.56x45mm, forcing them to switch to a pistol after some time.

The GP37 is sold by Hawaiian after the player obtains the achievement A Friend of Freedom. One can be obtained by ordering an assault rifle for 20000 RU from Nimble, although he might also give a FT-200M or a Storm instead. One can be found hidden under a window, in an apartment building to the west of the Volcano anomaly in Pripyat.

Notable users:

  • Black; since he attacks the player during the mission Last developments, the weapon can be easily obtained during the ensuing shootout.
  • Kremen; he might die in the skirmish for the Duty warehouse if the player sells Morgan's PDA to Loki, although this is unlikely given his armor.
  • Jackal; it can be looted by eliminating him after taking Colonel Kovalsky's mission One Shot. However, it is likely that another mercenary may pick it up during the getaway.


SCOP GP37 Upg 1
Impact-resistant polymer components for automatic elements (900 RU)
CoP Reliability Reliability +10%
The fashion for polymer components has not only paid off, but it has also become quite a popular upgrade.
SCOP GP37 Upg 5
Inertia delay mechanism (1400 RU)
CoP accuracy Accuracy +20%
A component installed on the rear side of the receiver that reduces bolt speed. Installed to improve effectiveness of aimed fire.
SCOP GP37 Upg 10
Installation of a "smart compensation" component (1900 RU)
CoP Handling Handling +25%
A link fixes the position of the barrel and if the barrel moves, additional compensation holes are opened.
SCOP GP37 Upg 11
Addition of a stopping device (1900 RU)
CoP accuracy Accuracy +30%
A synthetic component immediately in front of the bolt movement area, which compresses it significantly to improve firing accuracy.
SCOP GP37 Upg 2
Pneumatic stock (900 RU)
CoP Kickback Recoil -10%
A pneumatic stock is used to reduce recoil during burst fire.
SCOP GP37 Upg 6
Ergonomic stock (1400 RU)
CoP Handling Handling +15%
A more modern stock, which takes account of the specific nature of human physiology.
SCOP GP37 Upg 7
Installation of an amortization should rest (1400 RU)
CoP Kickback Recoil -15%
A mobile shoulder rest considerably reduces recoil impact on the body.
SCOP GP37 Upg 12
Lengthening the bolt frame shock buffer (1900 RU)
CoP Flatness Flatness +20%
Partial lengthening of the bolt frame into the stock allows flatness to be increased at the cost of more recoil.
SCOP GP37 Upg 3
Installation of a "floating" barrel (900 RU)
CoP accuracy Accuracy +10%
The lack of big gas chambers and barrel mounting on the foregrip has a positive effect on accuracy.
SCOP GP37 Upg 8
Optimized compensation muzzle brake (1400 RU)
CoP Kickback Recoil -20%
Replacement of dated component with a more modern one reduces recoil.
SCOP GP37 Upg 13
Installation of a barrel with a polygon rifled section (1900 RU)
CoP Flatness Flatness +30%
Polygon rifling is usually performed to improve accuracy.
SCOP GP37 Upg 14
Rifled sniper rifle canals (1900 RU)
CoP accuracy Accuracy +30%
A peculiar barrel replacement for weapons with good flatness characteristics that improves their accuracy.
SCOP GP37 Upg 4
1.6x reflex sight (1200 RU)
CoP x1.6.optics 1.6x reflex sight
Mounting of an assault scope for close range combat.
SCOP GP37 Upg 9
Improvement of sight contrast (2000 RU)
CoP hicontrscope High contrast sight
A modification made to assault weapons with reflex sights by means of a simple improvement in sight contrast in the yellow range. Important for combat in twilight conditions and dim buildings.
SCOP GP37 Upg 15
Night vision device installation (4000 RU)
CoP NVwpn Second generation night vision device
Night vision devices have saved many a sniper since their inception.
SCOP GP37 Upg 16
Adjustable range-finder sight (3500 RU)
CoP adjustable.scope Adjustable sight
This modification allows the sight to be easily adjusted to the firing distance.

Heart of Chornobyl[]

This German-made assault rifle is an exemplary piece of modern weaponry, featuring lightweight construction, excellent reliability, and an ergonomic design.



Behind the Scenes[]


From top to bottom: An SL8 converted into a G36K, the in-game GP-37, and a regular G36. Note the block separating the stock and the grip on the SL8 and GP 37 along with the triangular feature near the block that is not present on the G36.

  • The GP 37 is a full-sized G36 and not a G36K as some mistake it to be. The main proof that this weapon is a full-sized rifle is the number of ventholes present in the handguard, a G36K only has 4 while a full sized G36 has 6 holes. However, it does have a G36K barrel.
    • Rather strangely, the inventory icon is a reversal of this, where it has the handguard of a G36K but with a longer barrel.
  • The model of the GP 37 is actually not fully based on the military-issue G36, but also on the Heckler and Koch SL8, the civilian variant of the G36 that is converted into a G36 look-alike. The main giveaway about this is how the stock and grip is attached to the weapon, the grip and stock on a regular G36 are always near each other while the GP37's are noticeably apart and are separated by a big block that is not present on military G36 models. This is due to the fact that the SL8 is designed to eliminate the attachments of pistol grips and stocks to abide by civilian gun laws in certain countries (mostly the United States) which prohibits these features, and instead mounts a fixed thumbhole stock, where the stock doubles as the grip.
  • For some reason, Shadow of Chernobyl's model has dummy cartridges loaded in the magazine (as noted by their blue color).


  • In Shadow of Chernobyl, a M203 grenade launcher will appear attached to the GP37 when sprinting in first person view, even though the weapon cannot sport this attachment in-game; it will disappear once the player stops sprinting. This glitch also affects the IL 86.
  • Though the weapon is listed in Tooth's wares under certain circumstances (the player has returned the loot to Sidorovich and the Bandits control the Garbage), he is unable to sell it because it is not listed among the objects he is allowed to sell, regardless of the player's alignment with the Bandits.


Shadow of Chernobyl Clear Sky Call of Pripyat
Shoot (M203)
Reload (M203)
Switching (weapon/M203)
Idle N/A


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat[]

