This type of anomaly is dubbed such for its strange, never-ending chemical processes. They produce acid that eats your skin in a matter of seconds, as well as toxic gases that eat your lungs just as fast... Thankfully, gas anomalies are easy to spot out in the open. When you walk into one in a dark tunnel - now that's bad.
― Pilot's description
The Gas anomaly is a type of anomaly featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
General characteristics[]
Not always easy to spot, this Anomaly is recognizable by the green gas clouds floating and wandering over the ground. If one approaches, the screen will turn green and a hissing noise can be heard. When triggered by metal parts or organic tissue, it emits acidic compounds, splashing them around in its vicinity.
It should not to be confused with the Fruit Punch, due to the fact that it behaves more like a cloud or fog bank rather than a puddle of liquid as the Fruit Punch does.
It seems to be an evolved or greater version of Fruit Punch, because Fruit Punch does not have the toxic choking effect Gas does, and is more corrosive and more damaging.
Forms six types of artifacts:
Clear Sky[]
- Several fields of Gas anomalies are situated in the western Great swamp
- The little ponds opposite to the Vehicle graveyard in the Garbage
- The Agroprom swamp
- The Yantar swamp
- The abandoned mine in Red Forest containing the Compass and Poltergeists
Call of Pripyat[]
- The Burnt Farmstead underground, the Oakpine anomaly, the Swamp in Zaton
- The Cement Factory, the Jupiter Factory, the Quarry, the Plavni Anomaly, the Anomalous Grove and the Concrete Bath Anomaly in Yanov
- The Department Store Basement and the Vine in Pripyat
- Sometimes, most of the flora growing within the Gas anomalies form strange mutated vines.