S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

We can't give in to them! No matter what you give them, they always want more!
― Grizzly to Torba

Grizzly (Гризли) is a character who appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


Grizzly is friends with two other stalkers, Torba and Mitay. The group came into conflict with Shishak's Bandits, who demanded that the stalkers give them a cut of the artifacts they find. Grizzly and the others refused, which prompted the Bandits to kidnap Mitay and hold him hostage for ransom in return.


Call of Pripyat[]

Grizzly appears in Yanov station, near the left-most quarter of the station's bar, along with Torba. He and Torba are arguing what they should do about Mitay's predicament, which the player can overhear when going near the two's table. Grizzly keeps insisting that they should sell the Goldfish they found and use the money to hire stalkers to take Mitay by force, while Torba keeps insisting that it's hopeless to fight the bandits and should just pay the ransom. After Mitay's rescue, Grizzly and Torba will refer to the player as a pro, should Mitay be rescued successfully.

Grizzly is the only character of the two the player can talk to initially, as Torba does not trust the player.

If they are asked to join the Pripyat underground mission, all members of the group decline. However, they can be asked to join the Ecologists' field team, only if Mitay has been rescued beforehand.

Related missions[]

  • Hostage: Grizzly asks the player to free Mitay from the Bandits, peacefully or by force.
  • Research group: Grizzly and his teammates are one of the potential candidates for the Ecologists' field research group.