S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Wiki For a similar location, see Limansk Hospital.

The Hospital (also known as Object A17[1]) is a location in Pripyat featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


The hospital of the city of Pripyat, it could accommodate up to 410 patients. Located in the eastern side of the city, it consisted of five large buildings, about 6 stories high, all interconnected. The layout was rectangular so that one large corridor with rooms to each side lead through the whole length, flanked by two staircases at the side. In the middle of the buildings were open entrance areas, which seemed to have been used as common rooms or receptions.

The inscription on the roof of the Hospital's main wing (the administrative building), which still stands today to the last letter and is accurately recreated in-game, reads "Zdorov'ya Narodu - Bagatstvo Krayiny" (Здоров'я Народу - Багатство Країни), translated as "Health to the People - Richness to the State", the then common Socialist slogan for healthcare.

Although it is the largest building in the whole level, very little of it is accessible to the player. Despite serving as a critical point in Pripyat in real-life, where all the injured firefighters and later contaminated Liquidators from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant where treated, the Hospital is, surprisingly, depicted as being completely free of any, even the lowest possible radiation in-game.


Call of Pripyat[]

The Hospital makes an appearance in the mission Unidentified weapon where the player, with the help of Captain Tarasov and his team, must ambush a Monolith squad to find the Unidentified weapon. However, the attack turned out to be a Monolith ambush, and the Preacher appeared with his weapon, killing Morozov with a single shot. The unit then proceeds to take down the Preacher and other Monolith fighters in the area, before recovering the weapon and returning to the base.

Following the completion of the mission, a Chimera commonly spawns by the central courtyard. In freeplay, random Loners and Mercenaries may explore the area.


  • Two First-aid kits and an Antidote can be found in the operating room on the first floor, in the southern side of the eastern wing.
  • Three Cossacks vodkas in a toilet tank in the northwestern side of the western wing, on the ground floor.


  • Stash containing a M203 grenade launcher and five M203 Grenades; located on the first floor of the western wing, in an iron "tank" near the rooftop of the central corridor.
  • Stash containing 180 rounds of 5.45x39mm FMJ; located in the eastern wing, ground floor, behind a book shelf.
  • Stash containing 60 rounds of 9x39mm PAB-9, a first-aid kit and a bandage; in an overturned desk in the ground floor of the eastern wing.
  • Stash containing 20 rounds of 7.62x54mm 7N1; in the first floor on the eastern wing, on top of the surgical lamp in the operating room (the same room as the medkits and the antidote).



  • Interestingly, the Hospital's tac-name ("Object A17") is also how the location is referred to in the game files (pri_a17).
  • The Hospital was featured in the game's official trailer, where a Comet anomaly is seen; this anomaly was removed from the final version of the location.


  1. Colonel Kovalsky: "You will move to object A17, together with the rest of the squad. Captain Tarasov will show you the exact location. It's at the hospital, two wings with a connecting corridor. Monolith are currently in the western wing, so you will set up your ambush in the building across. The weapon will be carried by them - the most insane one of them."