I feel like taking some time off at the Izumrudnoye resort. Oh, sure it is a fine resort... for flesh and boars! Ha-ha! Still, I'm sure I can camp out there a bit.
― Loners' description
Izumrudnoye (lit. "Emerald") is a location in Zaton in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
The location is comprised of several ruined buildings on top of a hill, in what used to be a children's summer camp site. It is comprised of seven small homes and a large stage.
Call of Pripyat[]
The location is prominently featured in a side mission given by Gonta, where the player must assist him in taking down a Chimera at the camp. After the mission is completed, random Bandits and Loners may be seen at the village.
- Stash containing two bottles of Cossacks vodka, two Energy drinks, one diet sausage and one bread; in the southwestern-most house, under a table.
- Stash containing a TRs 301, 120 rounds of 5.56x45mm SS109 and one bandage; underneath a house to the immediate southeast of the stage.
- Stash containing a AKM-74/2; on top of the stage, in a cavity.
- Izumrudnoye was a real life location, although it was located to the south of Pripyat. In April 2020, it was destroyed by a wildfire raging in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
- On the houses, there are drawings of Leopold the Cat, a lion cub with a turtle and a lion. These drawings can also be found on walls inside the Pripyat Kindergarten.