Have you seen Jupiter, the radio electronics plant? A creepy place that is. No one really knows what goes on in there. The anomalies and mutants are just like everywhere else... But I still don't feel like going there. My gut's telling me that place is trouble.
― Stalkers about the plant
The Jupiter plant is a massive factory complex located in the area around Jupiter in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
A large, sprawling complex to the south-east of Jupiter, the factory is the area's most prominent location, to the point that the surrounding area has become colloquially referred to as "Jupiter" by stalkers. Under the plant itself is a large underground complex know as the Pripyat 1 underpass, which included a network of railways and roads that enabled the transport of valuable cargo across the Zone. The plant is connected to the underpass by an elevator, which was used to move loads between the two locations.
The factory was once upon a time used to manufacture radio electronics, and was also part of the Group's clandestine research after the Chernobyl disaster, used to produce Item 62 in coordination with Lab X-8. After the project was terminated in 2004, the factory was abandoned, and all information and equipment related to the project was relocated elsewhere via the underpass. In 2012, the factory is in a dilapidated state, the workshops and buildings being littered with damaged furniture, equipment and several documents.
Before the events of the game, the helicopter Stingray 4 crashed through the roof of the production complex, killing everyone on board except for the co-pilot, Lieutenant Sokolov.
Call of Pripyat[]
The Jupiter plant plays a role in a number of main story and optional side missions in the game. Despite the sheer size of the complex, most of it is empty and devoid of human presence or valuable finds. Mutant presence in the factory boils down to blind dogs in the courtyard, and a pair of psy dogs in the vicinity of the Stingray 4 crash site which do not respawn after being killed. There is little human presence in the factory itself, occasionally a group of stalkers visiting the administrative building, although a mercenary team led by Black appears here during a certain side mission.
The plant is visited by the player at the very least to collect documents regarding the underpass that must be acquired for the main storyline to proceed. Stingray 4 can also be visited, although it is optional. In addition, one of Professor Hermann's quests has the player retrieve documents from the plant's administrative section, only to be ambushed by Black and his team.
Other than the aforementioned mutants, there are few threats to the player in the factory. The plant has several pockets of radiation, although they are not widespread. There are a few gas anomalies in certain buildings, and Burnt Fuzz can be found in certain interiors.

Map of the plant, which can be seen in various buildings in Jupiter
The factory complex is comprised of many buildings, some of which are accessible to the player. It is notably comprised of the following:
- The Administrative section (No. 1 on the map) is located in the northern part of the plant, in the tallest building of the factory. It is a eight-story building, although only the ground and third floors are accessible to the player. There are two stairwells on the building's northern and southern side which allow the player to navigate between floors. The building is comprised of several offices, and includes an entrance which was used by employees back when the factory was in operation. There are multiple antennas and a satellite dish on the rooftop.
- The Production complex is the plant's biggest building. This square-shaped building is located in the center of the plant and contains multiple workshops divided into multiple sections (two sections numbered 5 and 6 on the map). The workshop contains various equipment, devices, as well as a large garage area with several abandoned vehicles, including an elevator connecting the plant to the Pripyat 1 underpass.
- The Jupiter warehouse (No. 12 on the map) is located in an isolated section of the plant to the southwest. It contains a cluster of Electro anomalies.
Access to the factory is done through the vehicles entrance through an open gate at the northwest, or through the employees' entrance by the northern part of the plant.
The following documents can be found within the plant:
- Administrative documents
- Folder with the order
- Notebook Sheet
- Delivery schedule
- Letter concerning deliveries of item 62
- Underpass Schematics
- Documents with notes
- Duty Shift Log
- One of Strelok's stashes is found at the plant, hidden in a pipe in the bottom level of a construction in the western, outdoors part of the plant (area No. 8 on the map), with several circular-shaped "chimneys" on top. The lower level has several Gas anomalies.
- A Monolith stash hidden on the upper level of the same structure. The player must go to the rooftop of the construction, then go to the southeastern corner and drop down on the metal beams immediately below. The stash is hidden in the concrete pillar in the corner, just behind a larger metal beam.
- Stash containing a AKM-74/2U, 180 rounds of 5.45x39mm FMJ, two F1 grenades, a first-aid kit and a bandage; leaning against a wall next to a window on the left side of the courtyard, immediately after entering the plant from the large gate (building no. 2 on the map).
- Stash containing a Tunder S14, two VOG-25 Grenades and 90 rounds of 9x39mm PAB-9; underneath the northern stairwell of the administrative building, ground floor.
- Stash containing an Eliminator, 20 rounds of 12x70 Buckshot and 30 rounds of 12x76 Slug; in a toppled desk on the administrative building's third floor, just next to the documents that must be recovered for Hermann.
- Stash containing a IL 86, 180 rounds of 5.56x45mm SS109, a first-aid kit and an antirad; under an excavator in the eastern, outdoors part of the plant, a short distance north of the construction where Strelok's stash is found.
- Stash containing a SPSA-14, 20 rounds of 12x70 Buckshot and 20 rounds of 12x76 Slug; in the cabin of a truck near the fence in the southern part of the plant, close to the entrance of the production complex.
- Stash containing a AKM-74/2, 60 rounds of 5.45x39 FMJ, a bandage and a can of Tourist's Breakfast; hidden under toppled electrical equipment in the room with the Stingray 4 crash site. The coordinates are received for completing the mission Hostage.
Behind the scenes[]

The Jupiter plant in real life
The Jupiter plant is a real life location located in the outskirts of Pripyat, built in 1980, which employed up to 3 500 people at the time of the 1986 disaster.
Officially, the factory was meant to produce cassette records and electronics for home appliances, although this was a front for the production of semiconductors meant for the Soviet defense industry. After the Chernobyl disaster, the plant was reconverted into a radiological research facility, and carried out multiple experiments for decontamination techniques before the factory was ultimately abandoned a decade later in 1996. Today, radiation levels in certain areas of the plant, especially the basement area where the experiments were conducted, are above safety levels.
The Jupiter plant is for the most part faithfully recreated in-game, including its location which is on the western edge of Pripyat, although the plant has been rotated counterclockwise by 90 degrees; the administrative building is, in real life, located on the complex's eastern side, facing Pripyat, and not on the northern side as depicted in-game. In addition, the in-game positioning of various landmarks in the vicinity of the plant more or less differs from their real-life locations; for instance, Yanov station is located to the south of the Jupiter plant, and not to the northwest as depicted in-game.