The Jupiter warehouse is an unmarked location in the area around Jupiter in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
A single warehouse located in a separate area to the southwest of the Jupiter plant, south of the Concrete Bath anomaly. Most of the warehouse itself is inaccessible; it only contains a stairwell leading to the attic of the building, which contains a valuable set of tools requested by technicians.
The attic is full of electro anomalies. The anomaly may spawn electric-type artifacts, by default a Battery. Navigating through the anomaly field is a little difficult due to the cramped space, making the use of bolts highly recommended. After reaching the western side of the room, there is a door which enables the player to jump outside the building and avoid the return trip through the anomalies.
The warehouse is a spawning ground for blind dogs and pseudodogs, but boars and fleshes are also frequently encountered here. On rarer occasions, stalkers may be encountered in the area.
- Tools for fine work, in the cabinet on the western side of the attic.
- Stash containing a AC-96/2, GP-25 Koster, 180 rounds of 5.45x39mm FMJ and 3 VOG-25 Grenade; on the front seat of a truck located beside the warehouse building, western side.
- Stash containing a SGI-5k, UDP Compact, 180 rounds of 5.56x45mm SS109, 100 rounds of .45 ACP FMJ, a Cossacks vodka, first-aid kit, antirad and a can of Tourist's Breakfast; to the west of the warehouse, on the other side of the wall surrounding the facility, behind some sheds southeast of the Bandits's camp by the bridge. The coordinates are received for completing Yar's mission Kopachy.
- Stash containing a Chaser 13, Kora-919, 50 rounds of .45 ACP FMJ, 30 rounds of 12x70 Buckshot and a first-aid kit; underneath the section of elevated road leading to the warehouse, which can be accessed by going into the pool of shallow water immediately south of the bandits' camp and going east under the road. The coordinates are received for giving Garry a Kolobok as part of his mission A contract with the scientists.