S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.

Wiki For the location in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, see Kindergarten (Call of Pripyat).

The Kindergarten is a location in Pripyat in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.


The Kindergarten No. 10 "Cheburashka" (Чебурашка), named after a popular Soviet character from children's literature, is located on the easternmost corner (far-right side) of the map in Pripyat. The Kindergarten is portrayed as being located south-east of the main (Lenin) square, while in reality, it's located a further kilometer away to the north, far behind the square and the amusement park while being north-west of the Stadium. Also, the western wing of the building is depicted as being partially collapsed, while in reality, it is not (this is however, obviously depicted deliberately, since the city is the site of a large battle between almost all factions from all over the Zone in-game, which is additionally depicted by continuous background effects of gunfire and explosions).


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

It contains two Monolith fighters setting an ambush for the player following the expert Loners while they are advancing beside it, being en route to the Parking Lot, located just further west of the building itself. Upon triggering the ambush, both Monolithians will simultaneously show up firing on the player and the group from the Kindergarten's balconies. Interestingly, the room where one of the two Monolithians are standing is inaccessible. After the ambush, the Kindergarten becomes a regular spawn point for Duty experts.


A PSZ-9d Duty armor can be found on top of a white cabinet in the eastern section of the Kindergarten, on the first floor.

The following stashes can be found in this location:

