S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

The Kora-919 is a .45 ACP pistol that appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

A nice gun, which was presented in all the conflicts of the 20th century with honor and entered the new century with confidence. Its small-size magazine is partially compensated by the use of a high-powered round.
― In-game description

The Kora 919 is a good upgrade from the most of the 9mm pistols in the early game, since it fires more powerful .45 ACP bullets. However, of all the .45 caliber handguns, it has the lowest damage rating, is the second heaviest and lowest accuracy of them all (the first of both being the Black Kite), but has the highest rate of fire and being the most durable of all of them. It is also the cheapest .45 caliber handgun available. It also has the drawback of only holding seven bullets per magazine, making reloads very frequent.


In the patched game, the weapon can be bought from Barkeep from the start.

The Chest in the stairwell in Agroprom contains one with some regular ammo.

Either due to its unpopularity or an oversight on the developer's part, stock Kora 919s are never used by stalkers, as they usually prefer UDP Compacts and SIP-t M200s.

In the unpatched version (1.000) of Shadow of Chernobyl, the Kora-919 was virtually non-existent as it is not sold by any trader and not held by any other stalker

Unique variants[]

Clear Sky[]

This classic automatic Colt, which passed all the major armed conflicts of the 20th century with flying colors, entered the new millennium with confidence. Its mediocre magazine capacity is largely compensated by the hard-hitting .45 ammo it uses.
― In-game description

In Clear Sky, the Kora now has its stats increased for the better, it's now one of the most accurate pistols in the game while still having very favorable stopping power and handling, although still offset by its small 7-round magazine.

When fully upgraded for accuracy and damage, the Kora is unparalleled in distant shooting and delivers decent damage in terms of pistols. It has the second overall highest damage for pistol as it only falls short of the Black Kite and has the second highest accuracy rating for a pistol, where it falls short of the Noiseless pistol (PB1s). It is also has the second lowest overall firing rate, both of which are just below the Black Kite. It can be fitted with a silencer.


Some experienced and veteran Loners carry this weapon as a sidearm with upgrades, but Monolith veterans are known to use this as their standard issue sidearm.

Notable users: Lefty.

The earliest way to get this pistol is by buying it from Sidorovich, but as an alternative method of getting this weapon for free quite early in the game, the player can either:

  • Go to the Dark Valley and take Ganja's job for clearing out the gas station of a bandit squad just outside the Freedom base. The bandits there will almost all carry Kora-919 pistols along with a few spare rounds.
  • Do the job from Yoga, where the player would have to clean out the flea market of stalker. One of the rewards is a stash with a fully upgraded Kora 919, tooled for damage and accuracy.
  • Clear out the concentration camp in the Garbage of bandits. One of the diggers will thank the player by giving them the coordinates of the same stash in the task above.

It can be also retrieved from the following stashes:


The Kora-919 shares the same upgrades as all pistols.

Upgrades marked in green are accuracy upgrades, while those marked in red are rate of fire upgrades. They are mutually exclusive.

SCS Pistol Upg 1
Bolt mechanism modification (600 RU)
CS RoF Fire rate +25%
A technological modification of the bolt mechanism allows for a higher rate of fire.
SCS Pistol Upg 2
Bolt mechanism modification (600 RU)
CS Kickback Recoil -20%
Careful adjustment of the bolt mechanism increases the weapon's precision.
SCS Pistol Upg 9
Barrel modification (900 RU)
CS Kickback Recoil -50%
Installing a muzzle brake allows recoil to be reduced significantly.
SCS Pistol Upg 10
Barrel replacement (900 RU)
CS Flatness Flatness +30%
An upgrade for weapons with integrated silencers. Replaces the combined barrel and silencer with a solid barrel.
SCS Pistol Upg 3
Barrel modification (600 RU)
CS Wpn Weight Weight -20%
Careful adjustment of the bolt mechanism increases the weapon's precision.
SCS Pistol Upg 4
Barrel replacement (600 RU)
CS Flatness Flatness +20%
This durable steel barrel resists deformation and allows for better bullet acceleration.
SCS Pistol Upg 5
Soft trigger (600 RU)
CS accuracy Accuracy +20%
A smooth trigger pull allows firing accuracy to be increased.
SCS Pistol Upg 6
Anatomical grip (600 RU)
CS accuracy Accuracy +20%
Tailor-made ergonomic grip designed specifically for you.
SCS Pistol Upg 8
Extended magazine (600 RU)
CoP MagCap Mag. size +4
Increasing magazine capacity using improvised means.

Call of Pripyat[]

An improved version of a classic automatic pistol, which passed all the major armed conflicts of the 20th century with flying colors and entered the new millennium with confidence. Produced by dozens if not hundreds of arms manufacturers around the world in both standard and modified configurations. The weapon's only drawback, its mediocre magazine capacity, is largely compensated by the hard-hitting ammo it uses.
― In-game description


Upgrade view

In Call of Pripyat, the Kora is the worst .45 pistol in the game, regaining its status back in Shadow of Chernobyl. The Kora now has poor handling, high recoil, can no longer mount a silencer, 7 round magazine capacity and below-average stopping power and accuracy along with the weight of 1.00kg unloaded makes it a pain to use, even when modified to Tier-3. Its only redeeming quality is its above average durability than most .45 pistols by default.

Generally speaking, more effective .45 caliber pistols such as the SIP-t M200, UDP Compact and the Black Kite can be acquired a little earlier in the game and Nimble can provide custom versions of the same caliber for a small fee of 3500 RU.


Loners, Bandits, and Zombified Stalkers carry this most often as a sidearm. It is less common among higher-ranking Freedom and Duty members, who favor the UDP Compact as their sidearm of choice.

The Kora-919 is sold by default by both Hawaiian and Owl.


SCOP Kora Upg 1
Moving bolt section (300 RU)
CoP RoF Fire rate +10%
Provides an increase in rate of fire without overloading other parts through additional recoil.
SCOP Kora Upg 6
Bolt section barrel closing system (600 RU)
CoP Flatness Flatness +20%
Provides an increase in flatness thanks to improved transfer of impulse to the bullet.
SCOP Kora Upg 7
Slow bolt backward movement system (600 RU)
CoP Kickback Recoil -20%
Softens recoil by slowing down bolt section movement.
SCOP Kora Upg 13
Installation of a short movement recoil energy use arrangement (900 RU)
CoP accuracy Accuracy +30%
A replacement of the automatic parts is more of an optimization than improvement of the gas piston. This considerably improves the weapon's rate of fire.
SCOP Kora Upg 2
Shortened barrel section (300 RU)
CoP RoF Fire rate +10%
A more technological shortened barrel improves the weapon's rate of fire without sacrificing flatness and accuracy.
SCOP Kora Upg 8
Transferring the barrel compensator/flash reducer onto the frame (600 RU)
CoP Kickback Recoil -20%
Unloading the barrel allows recoil to be reduced considerably.
SCOP Kora Upg 9
Chrome plating of the internal side of the barrel (600 RU)
CoP Reliability Reliability +15%
Chrome plating improves the barrel's life cycle.
SCOP Kora Upg 14
Sinusoidal rifling of barrel (900 RU)
CoP RoF Fire rate +25%
Allows barrel heat to be reduced and increases the rate of fire without sacrificing flatness.
SCOP Kora Upg 3
Polymer pistol frame (300 RU)
CoP Wpn Weight Weight -0.40 kg
A technical replacement of the pistol frame with a lighter one does not affect the weapon's reliability.
SCOP Kora Upg 10
Ergonomic handle (600 RU)
CoP Handling Handling +15%
A more modern and comfortable handle simplifies weapon handling.
SCOP Kora Upg 11
Amortization handle (600 RU)
CoP Kickback Recoil -20%
An amortization handle reduces recoil.
SCOP Kora Upg 4
Double trigger firing mechanism (300 RU)
CoP accuracy Accuracy +10%
The trigger is armed by the first shot, with all other shots occurring during automatic trigger arming.
SCOP Kora Upg 12
Modular firing mechanism (600 RU)
CoP Reliability Reliability +15%
A modular firing mechanism provides easier maintenance and parts replacement, as well as certain improvements in ease of use.
SCOP Kora Upg 5
Increased magazine capacity (1200 RU)
CoP MagCap Mag. size +4
Magazine capacity increase without increasing weapon part length.


Shadow of Chernobyl Clear Sky Call of Pripyat


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat[]
