S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.

Laboratory X-10 (also referred to as X-19) is a secret laboratory located in the Red Forest, featured only in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.


Lab X-10 is a hidden underground lab where the main components from labs X-18 and X-16 were sent, to construct a large scale psychic antenna (codenamed Rainbow). It is located directly below the surface complex, accessed via a dead-end railway sidetrack behind the Red Forest.

It is a large complex, occupied primarily by massive power generators necessary to supply enough energy for the continued operation of the Rainbow emitter, known by stalkers as the Brain Scorcher[1].


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

Lab X-10 is the focal point of the main mission Turn Off The Brain Scorcher. After fighting his way through numerous Monolith fighters within the Red Forest, Strelok enters the lab and disables the Brain Scorcher for good. The Monolith attempts to ambush him within the labs, but he manages to escape before making his way to Pripyat

The inside of the lab is mostly empty, containing up to four widely scattered Bloodsuckers. After the machinery is disabled, a large number of Monolith soldiers will start patrolling inside the lab. Once the Marked One gets to the surface, a platoon of Spetsnaz will be fighting against the Monolithians. Duty and Freedom will be in a skirmish near the road to Pripyat, and the winning faction's stalkers will almost immediately engage the Monolith squad at the top of the slope, near the transition point. Loners and Spetsnaz soldiers can be found near the exit to the Army Warehouses. In addition to these new threats, new Monolith squads may appear in places that were previously cleared out.

If the player chooses to return to the area later in the game, they may again encounter Bloodsuckers and large amount of Rodents.


Going down the stairwell leading to the lower floor will lead to a room with a numerical keypad next to a locked door. The combination for the door is 342089. The room inside contains several boxes of 5.56x45mm AP rounds, Medkits, and F1 grenades. The passcode can be found in the "Found PDA" entries in the diary of the player's PDA after the player leaves Lab X-10 with the Brain Scorcher turned off. The journal entry indicates that these were supplies intended for Monolith soldiers.


In earlier builds, most notably Build 1935, the level was named "Bunker X-10"; in the final version of the game, this bunker was moved and renamed to its current label. In the pre-release version, the entrance to X-10 was somewhere else in the Red Forest. In the final version, the entrance to the area was moved to the Brain Scorcher antenna grounds.

In the PDA's diary notes in Shadow of Chernobyl, this location is referred to as X-19.



  • In Shadow of Chernobyl, lab X-10 is referred to as Lab X-19 in all cases but one - the name of the save file in the level. As it's the most visible name for most players, it became commonly known as Lab X-10. Further games made that mistake canon.
  • Boosting your health with at least two Soul artifacts and using two Crystals against radiation, and using an exoskeleton, it is possible to quickly fight past the handful of enemies on the road towards Pripyat, taking medkits against the psy-emissions. Once loading the Pripyat level the emitter is disabled, bypassing the need to deactivate the Brain Scorcher. Warning: make sure to save before entering the psy field as loading inside it will kill the player. When returning from Pripyat, the emitter stays disabled. Duty and Freedom can be seen standing at the crossroads but not fighting.

