S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

The documents refer to a central laboratory designated X-8, which could contain information about secret experiments conducted in the Zone. Our analysts have been interested in this issue for quite some time.
― Major Degtyarev

Laboratory X8 is a main mission in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


This mission is acquired by completing Item 62: find documents in the testing workshop. The Major's investigation leads him to the Documents concerning item 62 which mention a laboratory designated X-8 related to secret experiments in the Zone. The document also contains the Yellow X8 keycard which grants access to the laboratory.

The target is the Yubileiny Service Center. Before leaving for Pripyat, it's highly recommended to have Cardan repair the Gauss rifle as it is a very valuable weapon to use.

Part 1: Yubileiny Service Center[]

The Yubileiny Service Center serves as the entrance to the laboratory. It is a large building populated by a sizable amount of Zombified Stalkers and Monolith fighters. The access to the lab is the center's elevator but interacting with it reveals that it is not functioning. This starts a new mission, Find the generator, which requires the player to fix it by turning on the generator at the fifth floor of the facility.

There is an entrance on the east side of the building and several doorways on the west side, with a phone booth near the southwest corner. The doorway between the phone booth and corner of the building offers the most cover from the Zombified Stalkers. However, the player can only go up to the third floor before they have to make their way to the northeast stairs and go up to the fourth floor. If the player uses the east entrance, use the stairs on the right (north) and go up to the fourth floor.

Go south to the central hallway and turn right, then take a left down another hallway to the last door on the left. Go through the room and take the doorway facing north to the stairs immediately on the left. Use the southeast stairs to go up one floor, turn left (south) and take the first left. Head west until reaching the doorway just before the gate. Go through the door and continue west through the hole in the wall and back into the hallway using the first door on the left. Barchuk's body lies on the right side of the hall next to the elevator doors just before reaching the west wall. His PDA indicates he was able to get the generator working. Use the northwest stairs to go up to the top floor, turn left and take the first left. The generator is immediately on the left. Switch the generator on and a new mission displays, Laboratory X8: descend into the laboratory. The player must now return to the ground floor and use the elevator to enter the laboratory.

Part 2: Lab X-8[]

After taking the elevator, the player will find themselves in the basement of the Service Center, which serves as Lab X-8. Downstairs, the player must use the Yellow X8 keycard to open the door. If the Red X8 keycard has been obtained before the mission started, it can be used on the door to the storage room just to the left of the entrance. The player must now find documents within Lab X-8. There are six documents in all, and with each find the player gets a message, Laboratory X8: leave the underground complex or continue looking for documents. Only one of the documents is actually necessary to complete the mission.

Turn east and go through the door with the blue sign having an open book and arrow (Learning Class). A Tesla anomaly emerges from this door and goes down the hall to the right (there's some loot in the lockers), then circles back. Open the door with the matching blue sign above and go down the steps and find A notebook with a description of an experiment.

Go back to the starting point and turn left through the door with a test tube and beaker sign (Laboratory). This room has a matching blue sign near some stairs that go down, and some stairs on the right. Optionally, the player can go up the stairs and then up the ladder, where a Poltergeist that can be killed with a couple of shot gun blasts (the player may have to shoot some planks if they cover the opening at the top of the ladder). There's also an RP-74 laying on the floor (there's ammo for it later on). Some Rodents are waiting for the player below, so use the hole in the floor to take care of them, then down the ladder and down the stairs. Follow the blue test tube and beaker signs to the bottom of the stairs and into a room with a sunken floor and some radiated water. Go down the stairs and, taking note of the fallen shelf unit, continue west as far as possible. This triggers some more Rodents that come in the same way the player did. Go back to the fallen shelf to dispatch the Rodents, then go around the room picking up supplies and the Rainbow emitter - main technical characteristics document.

Now go back up the stairs on the east side of the room and go through the left door into the room with the steaming tank. Go past the steps going up (taking note of the doorway to the elevators), and go down the steps on the left where two large tanks sit. At the bottom of the steps, make an immediate left and find the Order of Transfer and more supplies along the west wall. There's nothing but Rodents in the lower section (under the grates). Back up to the steps going up with a sign that looks like an owl and toilet paper dispenser, the "Computer Center". If the player turns left and goes into the emptied computer room, two Snorks attack. The player can take them out now or deal with them later. If continuing on the walkway, the player only circles back to where they are now. The door on the right goes to the elevators, where some Rodents attack if the player goes for the loot in the lockers.

Eventually, the player needs to go up the short set of steps across from the door to the elevators, then to the other set of stair and around to open the door. This leads down a short hallway to a room with a large hole in the floor and, if you didn't take them out in the computer room, the Snorks attack. Move along the wall to the right (west) and up the stairs to a doorway with a knife and fork sign (Canteen). As the player enters this room they can hear a baby crying, coming from the ladies' room. Opening the door will reveal a Burer mimicking the noise, which must be eliminated to avoid further trouble. Turn to the north and find the table with the Research documents.

Go back to the room with the hole in the floor and drop down to the lower level. Go either way to return to the room with the steaming tank, back down the stairs and, this time, turn around to the left and go to the elevators. Go into the last bay and up the ladders two floors (not all the way to the top) and jump through the open door. There are three Burers in the next room, making the Gauss rifle a must-have to eliminate them with ease. Use the doorway as cover to take them out and find the Report on study of samples in the center of the room. Then, up the stairs to a room with the final document, Manual for item 62. When picking up the document, the mission updates to Laboratory X8: leave the underground complex.

Return to the elevators and jump to the grate on the left and up the ladder, then up the side of the elevator car and drop down into the elevator. At the entrance, the player should notice the entrance door is now closed and guarded by a Controller. Upon eliminating the mutant Go up the stairs and into the elevator, then face the key pad and press action. At the end of the elevator ride, the Laboratory X8: leave the underground complex mission is complete.

See Also[]



  • There may be a glitch that causes the Controller to spawn at the other side of the door, making it extremely tricky to kill him. In case this happens, it's recommended to have a save before picking up the sixth document so that the player may go back to it.