A memory module from the UAV. Novikov unblocked the module, allowing you to access the information the UAV collected. Among other things, it contains the coordinates of three radio beacons.
― In-game description
The Memory Module (unblocked) is an item in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
This item is acquired after giving the Memory Module (blocked) (which can be retrieved from the downed RQ-4 Global Hawk in Yanov) to either Nitro and Novikov, who will charge 1000 RU and 2000 RU respectively for unblocking it. It will take one hour for Novikov to unlock the module, and three hours for Nitro to do the same. Upon unlocking the module, the coordinates of all three of Strelok's stashes are given to the player.
The location of the unblocked memory module depends on who unblocked it; if it was Novikov, then he will hand it back to the player after unlocking it. If it was Nitro, he will tell the player Senka was meant to give it to them, however he is nowhere to be found. The player will eventually find his body near the final of the three stashes, carrying the module on him alongside the goods he took from the previous two stashes.
The module can be sold for 500 RU to Owl.
- The description will always state Novikov unblocked the module, even if the player gave it to Nitro in-game.