S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.

The few soldiers there have been ordered to shoot on sight, so you'd better walk around it and try not to show your ass. If you piss them off, they may call for the Spetsnaz from the further cordon. Those guys can brew up such shit that I won't have any customers for a month... I know the commander a little: he likes to take a swig as much as the next man. I'm surviving on here thanks to him.
Sidorovich S.T.A.L.K.E.R

The Military checkpoint, or Military outpost, is a major location in the Cordon in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.


The checkpoint is a small military outpost manned by Ukrainian soldiers, whose sole task is controlling the transit of people and goods between the Zone and the outer world. Corruption within the military ranks made it possible for traders like Sidorovich to bring goods in and out of the Zone.

It is one of many located on the edges of the Zone.


The layout is identical in both games, save for a machine gun nest on the watchtower in Clear Sky that for some reason isn't present in Shadow of Chernobyl. The checkpoint consists of a watchtower located on the side of the road, surrounded by two mobile stations, and an enclosed compound with a two story guardhouse, barracks and a parking lot. The road to the checkpoint is also surrounded by a minefield.

In both games, it is possible to access the checkpoint from an alternative route, by bypassing the damaged section of the barbed wire fence to the east of the checkpoint. After passing through, the player can make their way into the checkpoint with the help of a pile of construction materials, which allow the player to jump over the fence and land near the barracks.


SCS Cordon Military Checkpoint Watchtower

This brick building on the side of the road provides soldiers with a view of the road to and from the Zone as well as the sides of the valley. A soldier patrols the gantry usually and inside minor loot can be found.

Additionally, in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, a machine gun nest is present in the northwest corner of the gantry, and will open fire automatically if the player comes into view. It is essential to bypass its field of fire to proceed. The easiest way to do this is to enter the Cordon, go immediately back to the swamps, take the new northern exit out of the swamps (northeast of machine yard) and then use the guide inside the loner base for 100 rubles to head to the rookie village. Everything will proceed as if the player had made the dash from the machine gun.

Guard house[]

SCS Cordon MC Guard House

Another brick building, this one houses the base commander's office and a small lounge for soldiers on duty. It also has a second story on top, apparently a break room.


A long, white building with two large rooms, it is filled with bunk beds and spare crates of equipment. Soldiers sleep here and also, occasionally, high value packages may be stored here.


The checkpoint is crewed by Ukrainian soldiers, both regular USS grunts and Spetsnaz operators. In Shadow of Chernobyl, the checkpoint's commander is also located there.

Propaganda announcements[]

The checkpoint has a megaphone which, in both games, voices warnings to inform anyone who's trying to illegally enter the Zone:

All propaganda

Attention! You are approaching the secured perimeter of a ecological disaster's Zone! Illicit crossing of the perimeter is a criminal act!

Any attempt to penetrate the secured Zone will be punished by any means necessary! Patrols have the right to shoot on sight!

The Zone posses mortal danger! We are here to protect you from the Zone, not the Zone from you! Do not jeopardize your life, do not try to penetrate into the secured area!

The Security Service of Ukraine is calling all right-minded and loyal citizens to collaborate with the authorities. Report all known cases of stalking! Do not let the looters hide behind your backs! They bring radioactive, unidentified items from the Zone that are highly dangerous for human health and life! Only with your help can we eliminate this hideous phenomenon! Do not put your lives and the lives of your families at risk for the sake of dubious profit!

The propaganda broadcasts are periodically interrupted by chatter from the commander in Shadow of Chernobyl. In both games, attacking the checkpoint will cause the broadcast to cease, and the military will instead use the megaphone to order the player to surrender. In Shadow of Chernobyl, the propaganda broadcasts stop at night. The player can also interrupt all broadcasts by shooting the megaphone, although in Shadow of Chernobyl only.


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

It is the target of a quest handed out by Sidorovich who wants the player to fetch a briefcase with information from the outpost. The reward for this mission is 2000 RU. After clearing the military outpost, more Military soldiers will wait for the player at entrance to the Garbage and at end of Cordon. Other than that, the base has no other items of interest other than Akm 74/2Us and possibly, Obokans.

Clear Sky[]

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, the checkpoint appears as the player's first obstacle when entering the Cordon for the first time, as the player will directly find themselves in the machine gun's line of sight and must escape from it.

Unlike in Shadow of Chernobyl, the Spetsnaz guard the base from the start, which makes raiding it hard since everyone there is armed with AKM-74/2s and AC96/2s. It is also the target of a quest handed out by any loner in the area, where the player has to fetch a special medkit from the outpost. The medkit is located in the guard tower. The base will also regularly send out patrols a short distance outside the base's perimeter on the main road.


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

In Shadow of Chernobyl, there isn't much loot to be had here, save for 5.45x39mm rounds and Akm 74/2Us carried by the grunts stationed there, and the Spetsnaz's Obokans on subsequent raids. The base itself isn't a very lucrative option, as the attic contains only large amounts of Tourist's Delights (about twelve) and some 9x18mm FMJ rounds, while the buildings only contain one PMm and an AKSU-74 (both undamaged), some food items, energy drinks and vodka, aside from a stash that holds some antiradiation drugs - The valuables of the commander.

Clear Sky[]

In Clear Sky, raiding the base early in the game will give the player an edge, although it's an almost suicidal operation, as the Spetsnaz can easily overwhelm Scar with superior numbers and weaponry. The base guards are armed with rather high-end rifles, the AK-74 and Obokan. Also, there is an ammunition crate in the base's barracks that contains several 5.45x39mm rounds and some RGD-5 grenades, Army Medkits and some Anti-rad located in the guard tower.

If the player enters the Cordon when an emission occurs, the checkpoint will be empty of personel. This will allow the player to quickly loot the checkpoint and then get to a shelter, provided the emission is a long one.


The checkpoint went through several iterations before appearing in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.

Build 1114[]

At this point, it didn't exist - all that was present was a reinforced gate with a guard tower and floodlights.

Build 1154[]

In this build, the first version of the checkpoint appeared, introducing a layout similiar to the final version, but differing quite seriously. The watchtower wasn't a brick building, but a classic tower, made out of steel beams and with a metal gantry on top. The guardhouse wasn't made out of brick either - it was a metal shack with an eternit roof and makeshift furniture inside. The barracks were also noticeably smaller.


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

Clear Sky[]
