S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.

Me and my boys found a nice little area full of artifacts but those army bastards attacked us for some reason. I don't know what the hell they wanted from us...
― Mole

Mole (Ru. Крот) is a character who appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.


Former digger who raids all the desolate laboratories and bunkers he and his associates come across[non-game. 1].


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

Mole leads a group of diggers who discovered Strelok's hideout in the Agroprom Underground, though they were unable to retrieve anything of value from it due to the presence of bandits in the tunnels. Mole and his team returned to the surface, settling at the Agroprom factory, before the facility became the target of a military operation.

The player hears about Mole after rescuing Seriy in the Garbage, and helps him fend off the army assault on the factory, which leads to him telling the player about the hideout and showing them the entrance to the underground. Mole carries a unique handgun, the Walker 9x18. Once the player goes down into the tunnels, Mole disappears from the game.

Related missions[]


Quote Condition

Guys! Whoever can hear me, help! These scumbags are slaughtering us stalkers!

After receiving the quest to help the stalkers

The pigs got me cornered at the yard! Help me out brothers!

After receiving the quest to save Mole

Help me!

Idle during the factory assault[note. 1]

Someone, help!

Guys, help me out! I'm going to get crushed real soon!

Stalkers, I'm right here! Help me!

Approaching Mole during the factory assault[note. 2]

Thank you, friend, you saved my life. That was too close... The grunts always carry their missions through. We've got to get out of here before the task force arrives. Come on, I'll show you the way.

After rescuing Mole

Phew! It's quiet here, we can wait for the raid to finish. Seriy told me what you're looking for. It's underground around here somewhere, but I don't know exactly where. Be careful, and good luck!

After reaching the Underground entrance


  • After Mole tells the player about the hideout, if the player doesn't enter the Agroprom Underground and waits long enough, Mole will return to his starting place in the factory and talk about being surrounded by the military again. This allows the player to repeat the "rescue Mole" scenario an unlimited amount of times.


  1. These voicelines are shared with Shaggy Sergei
  2. This voiceline is shared with Nimble


  1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R stable_bio_name.xml, id=agr_krot_bio