The PDA contains many meaningless entries, but one stands out: "The Monolith is communicating with the recipient of the message and ordering him to collect surplus ammunition and store it in locations unknown to the nonbelievers. These locations are to be marked with the mark of the Monolith. When difficult times come, those who hear the Monolith shall benefit from its wisdom... I have conveyed the will of the Monolith to my brothers and told them where to place the ammo..."
― In-game description
The Monolith fighter's PDA is a PDA that appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
This PDA is carried by the Monolith Master, a specific Monolith expert that can be found in the Pripyat River Port. He stands out from the rest of the Monolith stalkers guarding the port as he is found praying inside one of the buildings and carries an Eliminator, and is also usually oblivious to the player's presence unless directly attacked.
Upon picking up the PDA, the coordinates of two nearby Monolith stashes are revealed to the player. The PDA can be sold to Owl for 5000 RU afterwards, making it the most valuable PDA in-game.