The Northern farmstead is a location in the Swamps in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
The northern farmstead is located in the northernmost corner of the Great swamp. To the southwest, there is the Encampment near truck and the Machine yard. And to the east, there is an exit to the Cordon.
The farmstead is made of four houses, three of them can be accessed. Like all the main locations in the game, the area offers a box to store the loot. The area is surrounded by a wooden fence, blocking the view inside.
The hamlet is occupied by Renegades.
Clear Sky[]
The northern farmstead is the Renegades stronghold in the swamp. It is not an objective of the Faction wars. Even if purged completely from Renegade presence, it can not be liberated or captured; as such, the Renegades cannot be completely eliminated, because they will constantly respawn at this location.
The following stashes are found in this location:
- Stash in panel board
- Small crate at tower