You should look near Oakpine. That's that thing growing between the hills, above the gas anomalies. Everyone's been calling it that since some geek identified the bark from that tree as both pine and oak. If you want to search for artifacts there, you'll need good chemical protection. Take lots of ammo, too, because those hills are home to packs and packs of dogs.
― Stalkers description
The Oakpine anomaly is a location in Zaton featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
The Oakpine is a large mutated tree growing over a valley with chemical and static anomalies. According to a local stalker, it is a mix of a oak and pine trees.
The area is full of gas anomalies, and the area is corrosive as well. The surroundings are often full of dogs and/or pseudodogs as well, meaning one should approach the area cautiously. Any chemical artifact can spawn in there. By default the anomaly spawns a Stone Blood, although a Kolobok can also be found at the very top of the tree. Loners and Bandits may be found in the vicinity of the tree.
The remains of Joker can be found to the south of the Oakpine, alongside his PDA and upgraded gas mask. He apparently died trying to recover the Kolobok from the top of the Oakpine, as outlined in the final entry of his PDA. His PDA must be brought to Cardan as part of the mission Three Comrades.
The area is also briefly featured in the mission Missing Stalkers, where the player is sent to the Oakpine by Grouse, only to find a dead bloodsucker there.