Many people talk about it but it seems that nobody has ever seen it. It's like healing waters. If you walk in, your wounds heal and your energy is replenished. There are many rumors making the rounds, one more incredible than the next... Some claim to have seen it in their dreams... but as a scientist I am obliged to ask, "How do you know it really was the Oasis?" If you agree to look for it... Well, I can't promise you a massive fee, but if the Oasis exists, its discovery would help us make a giant stride in our research.
― Ozersky
The Oasis is a location in the area around Jupiter in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
A legendary location located somewhere in the Zone. It is a famous legend among stalkers, especially in the area of Jupiter. They say it's a place where all wounds can be healed and all illnesses can be cured. There are varying accounts of the Oasis' location, some suggesting it might be in Pripyat, others claim it is near the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, although all locations have one thing in common: they are difficult to reach. The legend is met with skepticism by certain people, especially Duty stalkers as well as the Ecologists: Hermann, the head of the local scientific expedition, believes the Oasis to be nothing but fantasy, although his colleague, Ozersky, believes the opposite.
Though it is a very well known legend among prospecting stalkers, unlike the Wish Granter, the Oasis is a real location, situated directly underneath the Ventilation complex. The nature of the Oasis itself is unclear, although given the presence of an artifact at the site, it is likely an anomalous formation, unique in nature as it is the only anomaly alongside the Lift to be harmless, and in fact the only anomaly whose effects are beneficial. Access to the Oasis is hindered by a mysterious teleporter, perhaps linked to an anomalous formation such as the Space Anomaly. As a result, the Oasis is still unexplored as of the events of Call of Pripyat.
Call of Pripyat[]
A mission given by Ozersky at the Scientists' bunker requires the player to attempt to find the Oasis and bring irrefutable proof of its existence. This mission may seem to be a dead end at first, as no stalkers can provide precise clues of the Oasis' location, meaning the player can only gain access to it by pure exploration.
The entrance to the Oasis is located to the east of the Ventilation complex, in a building along a slope slightly north to the Southern tunnel. There is a small building inhabited by six Zombified Stalkers, which leads to a sewer area infested with rodents. The sewers eventually lead the player to a room with columns under the complex. This is where the teleporter anomaly takes effect, as the player will be teleported back to the entrance of this room if they attempt to go to the other side. Successfully solving the puzzle here requires the player to follow certain routes across the room; see the Oasis mission page for more details.
After solving the puzzle, the player will gain access to the Oasis, which takes the appearance of a small pond at the base of the large tower of the ventilation complex. True to the legends, the pond gives a large boost in health and endurance replenishment rates and also purges radiations accumulated by the player. Near the pond is a tree with a mysterious artifact, the Heart of the Oasis, which must be given to Ozersky to complete the mission. Taking the artifact will cause a psy dog to spawn and attack the player. One can leave the Oasis by climbing up the ladders out to the surface level of the ventilation complex.
The player can return to the Oasis at any time, although they will have to solve the columns puzzle every time to gain access. While the rodents and the psy dog do not respawn, zombies can frequently be encountered at the Oasis entrance.
Myths and legends[]
With the quest active, the player can ask random stalkers about the Oasis, which will provide the player multiple accounts of the legend, depending on the speaker's faction.
- "Well, I heard a funny story once. Basically, the boys at Garbage started a rumor about where the Oasis is, and made it real believable, too. Then, they went to that location and waited. Well, what can I say? So many gullible losers showed up to share their stuff that the boys who started the whole thing left the Zone soon afterwards. And why not? Fellas were set for life. Only one of them stayed behind, some guy called Yoga..."
- "That, if you go there all your problems will be solved... I reckon that's gotta be handy - no more hangovers or hemorrhoids has gotta be good! Find it, set up a resort and let the cash pile up."
- "Why would I bother listening to that crap? All it is, is cheap talk for losers... Real men don't believe that shit. You know, you're sitting in a bar with a cold one in your hand and the stalkers are buzzing all around, arguing over where the Oasis is. And every one of those suckers swears he knows the location... Though for some reason it differs from sucker to sucker."
- "It's a stalker fairytale. That's what stalkers do: make up shit that ain't true and then all get together and search for it! I'd ignore that stuff if I were you. It's like a gateway myth: believe it and you'll believe that the Wish Granter exists before long."
- "Ah, that place where wounds heal by themselves and your energy is magically replenished? I got news for you, friend: it don't exist. Stalkers invent that crap to make the Zone sound less dangerous than it is, but the harsh reality is that there are no safe places in the Zone. And you gotta keep a firm grasp on that reality out here, buddy - dreamer types don't last long in the Zone."
- "Yeah, and all the artifacts there are worth their weight in gold and are presented to you on a silver platter while you're getting your feet rubbed... I'm joking, of course. I doubt it exists, although it would be nice if it did. We could even set up a hospital there without the need for any medics - folks could just show up there and heal... Damn, what a pipe dream that is."
- "Loads... A nice story, I'll give you that. A palace in the sands, an island in the mist, a castle in the sky... Shangri La, Eden... the Oasis. Every free person has a dream and I don't blame 'em for it."
- "Well, I did hear an interesting story from this one stalker. I think he was the first person to mention the Oasis to me. He said that according to legend, all your wounds heal there and you become calm and relaxed, as if you're not in the Zone at all. I haven't seen him since... It was only after he left that I remembered that he used to walk with a limp, but when he left he walked straight and looked like he'd gotten a hell of a lot younger."
- "Yes, free stalkers gave me the coordinates... Ten different sets of coordinates. Putting them together gives us an area from the Scorcher to the CNPP with the Yanov bar somewhere near the center. It's entirely possible that we're in the Oasis right now, so enjoy it!"
- "I've heard everything about the Oasis! It's a legend, a myth... every stalker expects something different from it and every damn one of them claims to know the exact location. It's a pity the only thing those locations have in common is that they're friggin' hard to reach."
- "Well, they say that wounds heal instantly there and your energy is replenished in minutes... They say no disease or sickness can last in the Oasis, not even radiation poisoning! The one thing I know for sure, though, is its whereabouts... Wanna know? It's in the center of the Zone! But you gotta keep this between us, not a word to anyone!"
- "I heard that any mutant you meet there will just walk on by without so much as looking at you. They also say that there's an artifact there called the Heart of the Oasis... Nobody knows what it does exactly, but one thing's for sure: you shouldn't touch it. Anyone who takes it won't have no place in the Zone no more... Location? Man, everyone knows it's in Pripyat under the Ferris wheel! I mean, where else would it be?"
- Though the Oasis appears to be an anomaly, it does not spawn artifacts (other than the Heart of the Oasis).
- The path through the columns room changes after every emission.