The Old Service Center is a location in Pripyat featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
Originally known as the КБО (by its inscription on the roof) which stands for Комбинат бытового обслуживания, translated as "KBO - Kombinat Bitovogo Obsluzhivaniya" and meaning "Combinate of Customer Services". It is located in the north-east corner of the playable area.
Call of Pripyat[]
The building does not play a role in the story but contains the valuable Calibration tools. The first time the player approaches the building, a pseudodog can be seen thrown out of the window. The kit, located on the first floor (second floor for North America), is guarded by a Burer. The backroom contains, aside from the Calibration Kit, some interesting loot which includes various types of ammunition.
The ground floor and a part of the first floor are filled with static electro anomalies, as well as being heavily irradiated. By default the first artifact to spawn there is a Shell, and electro-based artifacts may rarely spawn in the building. Navigating through is not easy as the area is compact, making the use of a Svarog detector very helpful. There is a small patch of electro anomalies on the first floor, near the staircase, although it's entirely avoidable.
The player may return to the ground floor with a staircase leading to a door which can only be unlocked from this side, allowing the player to bypass the anomaly on subsequent visits.
In freeplay, random Loners and Mercenaries may explore the building. Considering the proximity of the center to the Prometheus Movie Theater, it is not uncommon to see Loners/Mercenaries being attacked by Monolith fighters.
The back room contains the Calibration tools as well as two Batteries, a PMm, 180 rounds of 5.45x39mm BP, a OG-7V warhead and 200 rounds of 7.62x54mm PP. There are also three F1 grenades and 10 rounds of 7.62x54mm 7N1 in a small room on the first floor.
- Stash containing five VOG-25 Grenades; located in the southwestern corner of the ground floor, behind a crate under the stairs.