S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.

I'm just your average Joe, no different from anyone else. I've always been a rolling stone though...
― Orest

Orest (ru. Орест) is the leader of a stalker group in Agroprom. He appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.


During his childhood, Orest has been a traveler and thrill-seeker of sorts. When he was 10 years old he once stowed away in a freighter bound for China to learn Shaolin martial arts, however they got caught three days later and after that his dad gave him a thrashing. When he got older, he traveled around Europe. When the Zone appeared he met a girl named "Leska" who was also a thrill-seeker like him. She thought they were only friends but Orest felt something more than that. Eventually she went missing, and when Orest heard that she entered the Zone, he immediately packed his things, took a pistol and went to the Zone to search for her. Thanks to his experience as a traveler he managed to enter the Zone. For months he roamed the Zone with Leska's picture, showing it to every stalker he could meet until one of them told him that some international troops apprehended her before reaching the zone, which he eventually assaulted to "teach a lesson". Afterwards he decided to stay in the Zone.[quote 1]

Orest believes that stalkers shouldn't kill each other because of their beliefs and that they should all live off the Zone in peace. He stayed with Freedom for a long time, but abandoned them once he heard about their attacks on Duty.[quote 2]


Clear Sky[]

Orest is the leader of a group of Loners in the abandoned complex in the vicinity of the Agroprom Research Institute. They are constantly besieged by Bandits who managed to slip through the Duty outposts. Mutants attack their base on a common basis, after digging their way out of the Agroprom Underground.


Orest gives 3 jobs: the first one requires the elimination of a nearby group of Bandits. His second quest requires the elimination of a nearby mutant den. Lastly, he asks the player to eliminate another group of Bandits, who have a camp near their base.It is recommended to hurry with finishing this quest, because due to a bug it can ruin the friendship with the stalkers, if the bandits are killed by other stalkers and not the player ( The stalker groups on the PDA are shown yellow instead of green.) After those jobs, Bandits stop spawning in Agroprom.

Related missions[]

  • Destroy the bandit camp: The bandit camp in the tunnel must be destroyed. Bandits are using it to mount attacks on the stalker camp.
  • Destroy the bandit squad: A squad of bandits is guarding one of the underground exits and helping some of their own get out onto the surface from time to time. The squad must be destroyed.
  • Destroy the mutant lair: The wasteland in front of the stalker base is teeming with monsters - the area is wild and dangerous. The mutant lair must be destroyed.


  • Orest has 95 000 RU to trade. This is the largest amount of money NPCs have in Clear Sky, not including the traders, who have an infinite amount of money (in fact, it's about 100 000 RU).
  • Reward for Orest's quests is given by Shilov in Cordon instead of Orest himself.


  1. I'm just your average Joe, no different from anyone else. I've always been a rolling stone though. When I was ten I took off for China to study Shaolin martial arts. They took us off the freightliner three days later, and my dad gave me a real good thrashing. When I got older I spent all my time travelling - hitchhiked across Europe, spent a winter with chukchas. Then the Zone emerged. At the time I was friends with one girl Leska - also a thrill-seeker, like me. Well, she thought we were friends, though I felt a little different... Anyway, one day I was looking for Leska and some friends told me she'd gone to the Zone. Right away I get my things, grab a pistol with some rubber bullets and head straight here. I made it thanks to all my travelling experience. I spent months searching for her, carrying her photo and showing it to everybody. Finally a stalker told me some international troops apprehended Leska with some pretty boy near the Zone's border. Gave the two a lecture and sent them home. So, I thought, God bless you, Leska, God bless. I didn't go back home then. And now I'm just kind of stuck to the Zone.
    ― Orest, Clear Sky S.T.A.L.K.E.R

  2. <...> I've travelled the Zone on my own and even stood with Freedom for a while. But as soon as they started talking about whacking Duty, I put my skates on and sailed. <...> So, what was I trying to say? Oh yeah, stalkers shouldn't be killing each other based on clan membership, they should just live their lives. Search for loot, stay alive - all the good things the Zone is really about. That's what I live by and so do most of our folks
    ― Orest, Clear Sky S.T.A.L.K.E.R
