Incoming message reads: "I managed to arrange something about the weapons and that greedy bastard is going to sell us his faction's stock. It's gonna be fairly cheap but we'll have to haul ass to Jupiter. Vulture.”
― In-game description
The PDA of Ridge the mercenary is a PDA that appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
This PDA is carried by Ridge, one of the two exoskeleton-clad experts that lead the Mercenaries stationed at the Waste Processing Station in Zaton (the other being Hook, who also carries his own PDA). The mission Mercenary Camp given by Owl requires the player to retrieve the Mercenary notebook from the station, and the player is likely to fight Hook and Ridge during the mission, allowing the player to take both PDAs.
It can be sold to Owl for 1000 RU, although it is not necessary to complete the mission and it serves as an extra reward.