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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Wiki For the Shadow of Chernobyl variant, see PSZ-9d Duty armor (Shadow of Chernobyl).

The PS5-M Universal Protection is a protective suit appearing in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


This suit is a modernized version of the standard Duty suit, providing good anomaly protection, unlike the PSZ series suits. Its bulletproof vest can stop a pistol round or two. It resembles the Sunrise suit but with Duty's trademark black and red pattern.

This suit is typically issued to Duty recruits and rank-and-file members. Higher ranking Dutyers will usually opt for either a PSZ-9Md Universal Protection suit or a PSZ-9d Duty armor suit.

Despite its physical resemblance to the Shadow of Chernobyl version of the PSZ-9d Duty armor, it provides much lighter armor protection, being comparable in terms of firearms resistance to the standard armor used by other factions, such as the Sunrise suits used by Loners or the standard armor used by Freedom.


Clear Sky[]

A modernized version of the Duty protective suit, which provides good anomaly protection unlike the PSZ series suits. The built-in body armor is capable of stopping a pistol round. Cannot be modified to include an artifact container.
― In-game description

This suit has a rather high price tag. Its protection effects are similar to that of the CS-3a body armor, which weighs 2.00 kg less and comes with an artifact container, unlike the PS5-M suit.


The suit is obtained from General Krylov for joining Duty, and will be sold by Mitay henceforth.


Color-coded upgrades are mutually exclusive.

SCS Armor Upg 06
Kevlar body armor (3125 RU)
CoP Armour Kevlar body armor
Kevlar plates are inserted into body armor for extra protection.
SCS Relief vest upgrade icon
Relief vest (3125 RU)
CoP WeightCap Max weight +5 kg
A relief vest makes it easier to carry one's load by redistributing the weight.
SCS Armor Upg 06
Kevlar body armor (4688 RU)
CoP Armour Kevlar body armor
Kevlar plates are inserted into body armor for extra protection.
SCS Armor Upg 02
Relief backpack (4688 RU)
CoP WeightCap Max weight +10 kg
Special straps make this backpack easier to carry, allowing for heavier loads.
SCS Armor Upg 14
Hard leather inserts (3125 RU)
CoP WoundHeal Integrity +30%
Soften bullet impact somewhat.
SCS Armor Upg 10
Polymer bodysuit (3125 RU)
CS Thermo Electro Thermo-electrical protection +20%
Polymer materials offer good protection from heat and electric shock.
SCS Armor Upg 25
Double-layer body armor (3125 RU)
CoP Toughness Durability +50%
Even if one layer of armor is damaged, the second one will still provide adequate protection.
SCS Armor Upg 12
Special coating (3125 RU)
CS Thermo Electro Thermo-electrical protection +20%
This coating, based on a special solution made from materials found in the Zone, protects against fire and electrical anomalies.
SCS Armor Upg 24
Synthetic thickener (4688 RU)
CoP WoundHeal Integrity +50%
This thickening fabric, placed under the body armor, acts to effectively reduce damage.
SCS Armor Upg 20
Active filters (4688 RU)
CoP RadGood Radiochemical protection +50%
Use a more efficient filtering system.
SCS Nightvision upgrade icon
Night vision device (3125 RU)
CS NV Night vision
First-generation night vision device.
SCS Armor Upg 19
Gas mask (3125 RU)
CoP RadGood Radiochemical protection +50%
This gas mask serves as one's primary protection from radioactive dust and noxious chemicals.
SCS Artefact slot upgrade icon
Artifact container (3125 RU)
CoP Armour Artifact container
Container for wearing additional artifacts.
SCS Artefact slot upgrade icon
Artifact container (3125 RU)
CoP Armour Artifact container
Container for wearing additional artifacts.

Call of Pripyat[]

This modern version of the Duty bodysuit is better suited for stalker recruits who are used to lightweight suits. Unlike the PSZ series, this suit provides good protection against anomalies while also being capable of stopping a pistol bullet. The suit cannot be modified with an artifact container, but may be upgraded with a combat support system instead.
― In-game description

For a combat suit the starting bulletproof protection is surprisingly low, half of that of Berill-5M armoured suit. True to Duty faction's mentality, it has no artifact containers nor can it be upgraded with any. It could be a nice alternative for the Sunrise suit and Berill, but by the time the player arrives in Yanov they will most likely have something better.


One is deposited for free in the player's locker in Yanov Station after completing two side missions for Duty, and Hawaiian will also have it on sale afterwards.

One can be found inside the Duty warehouse in Yanov, which can be accessed by completing the Duty warehouse mission for either Duty or Freedom.


SCOP PS5-M Upg 1
Kevlar plates (400 RU)
CoP Armour Armor +10%
Kevlar is one of the most commonly used materials in body armor.
SCOP PS5-M Upg 4
Duplicate protective plate layer (800 RU)
CoP Toughness Suit durability +15%
Additional internal armor layer in case the outer layer is damaged.
SCOP PS5-5M Upg 9
Deflective ceramic Scale modification (1200 RU)
CoP Armour Armor +30%
The Scale comprises overlaying ceramic plates that prevent the wearer from being hit in the same place.
SCOP PS5-M Upg 10
Ceramic layer on plates (1200 RU)
CoP Impact Impact neg. -30%
Ceramics considerably soften bullet impact by deflecting it onto fragments that break off.
SCOP PS5-M Upg 2
Amortization fabric layer (400 RU)
CoP Impact Impact neg. -10%
A fabric insert prevents soft tissue damage in the event of impact against the plate.
SCOP PS5-M Upg 5
Replacement of fabric with synthetic materials (800 RU)
CoP Item Weight Body armor weight -3.50 kg
Fabric, clips and thickeners are replaced with lighter synthetic materials to reduce armor weight.
SCOP PS5-M Upg 6
A rubber mobility bodysuit (3000 RU)
CoP Endurance Energy recovery +4
A number of ergonomic adjustments that use a rubber construction, which allow mobility to be retained even when wearing bulky armor.
SCOP PS5-M Upg 11
Shield high durability protective frame (1200 RU)
CoP Armour Armor +30%
Used in stalker suits to improve durability.
SCOP PS5-M Upg 3
Weight distribution vest (400 RU)
CoP WeightCap Weight carried +5.00 kg
An ergonomic improvement: special mounts attached to the bodysuit allow for carried weight to feel lighter.
SCOP PS5-M Upg 7
Care built-in system (1000 RU)
CoP HealthRegen Health rest. +3
A system used to supply antiseptic, anti-tetanic and stimulating substances. Homemade, but doesn't seem to do any harm to the body.
SCOP PS5-M Upg 12
Varyag field support system (2000 RU)
CoP Endurance Energy recovery +6
CoP WoundHeal Wound healing +3
A combat support system built into the whole suit. Used rarely, primarily by the Spetsnaz. Comes preinstalled with adrenaline and blood clotting systems.



  • The half-masked model from Clear Sky still exists within Call of Pripyat's game files, but is not used by the in-game Duty spawns.