There's a small harbor beyond the cement plant called Fen. The whole harbor's turned into a terrible stinking marsh and the water is full of gas anomalies. It's not even really water anymore, more like acid. People have found artifacts there before, but the place is also teeming with monsters.
― Stalkers' description
The Plavni anomaly, also known as Fen anomaly, is a location in the area around Jupiter in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
The anomaly is located in a section of a shallow swamp area in northern Jupiter. The anomaly itself is a cluster of Gas anomalies surrounded by an acidic environment to the northwest of the Cement factory. The anomaly generates artifacts or the chemical variety (although no Meat Chunks or Koloboks will spawn here), by default a Stone Blood.
The Plavni is initially home to three bloodsuckers which must be killed as part of a side mission given by Trapper in Yanov station. In addition, one mission given by Professor Hermann requires the player to provide cover for the scientists' field research team as they take measurements in the anomaly; the player will face constant attacks from fleshes and boars in the meantime. The player must also deploy an artifact scanner that, when set up, allows the player to monitor the presence of artifacts in the Plavni through their PDA.
Random stalkers and mutants, especially fleshes and boars, may be encountered here.
- "Plavni" (Ru. Плавни, Uk. Плавні) is a Russian/Ukrainian word meaning reed bed.