The Pripyat checkpoint is a location in the Red Forest in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl.
A small checkpoint comprised of a guardhouse and a barrier with a large door behind it, and a campfire. It is located to the north of the Bus stop and functions as the passage to Pripyat. The road leading to the checkpoint is littered with vehicle wrecks and contains Electro anomalies. The remains of a Mil Mi-6 helicopter can also be found by the road.
Shadow of Chernobyl[]
The checkpoint is home to a contingent of Monolith fighters, with at least two patrolling the main road while the remaining force is gathered at the checkpoint itself. After the Brain Scorcher has been deactivated, survivors from the skirmish between Duty and Freedom at the Bus stop will gather here. Mutants such as boars can be encountered here.
Under normal circumstances, the area is off-limits before turning off the Brain Scorcher, as the psi radiation here is significantly stronger, most likely to prevent the player from entering Pripyat until the Brain Scorcher has been shut down.