S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.

That's just a couple of minutes North of here - you'll see it right away. There used to be a bridge over the road, but then it collapsed during one of the blowouts. The army guys built a checkpoint there and don't let anyone through... but if you grease the right palm, you'll pass with no problems. In general, you don't want to show your face there too much, unless you're badly wounded or got a heavy load on you.
Sidorovich S.T.A.L.K.E.R

The Railway bridge, also known as Encampment under bridge, is a major location in the Cordon featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.


The railway bridge is an iconic location in the Cordon, acting as a sort of secondary gate into the Zone, a chokepoint. Before the Chernobyl incident, trains used to pass through this bridge. The bridge eventually collapsed after an emission.

The area below the bridge is very damaged, the road is unpassable for vehicles due to extremely uneven terrain and various debris littering the area.


Army bridge 2

A soldier guarding the area.

The layout is similar in both games. In Clear Sky, the bridge has sandbagged sentry posts at the top, from which loners can attack any approaching enemy, as well as a UAZ-469 parked in front of it. In Shadow of Chernobyl, the sentry posts are absent and there is less junk there overall.

In both games, to the west of the bridge, is a small tunnel going through the embankment that enables the player to bypass the bridge. This is especially helpful in Shadow of Chernobyl, as the bridge is controlled by hostile soldiers. In Shadow of Chernobyl, electro anomalies can be found within the tunnel, but in Clear Sky, there are no anomalies whatsoever.


Grunt railtrack bridge

Kuznetsov's men guarding the Railway bridge.

In Shadow of Chernobyl, the railway bridge is home to a group of soldiers led by Major Kuznetsov. In Clear Sky, it is controlled by the Free stalkers instead.


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

Bridge Army camp

Military camping.

In Shadow of Chernobyl, the Railway bridge serves as a checkpoint controlled by Major Kuznetsov and his soldiers. Kuznetsov can be bribed for 500 RU to allow passage through the bridge, although this process must be repeated every time the player leaves and returns to the Cordon. Attempting to force passage through them will cause the soldiers to open fire.

If Kuznetsov and his men are killed, Spetsnaz will take over the checkpoint. These soldiers do not accept bribes and will open fire on sight, forcing the player to battle their way through the bridge every time, unless using the aforementioned tunnel to bypass them.

Clear Sky[]

In Clear Sky, the location is known as Encampment under bridge. It is controlled by the Loners, who have several marksmen positioned on top of the bridge. The stalkers initially do not allow passage, but will safely allow the player through after talking to Sidorovich as part of the main story.

The destroyed section of the bridge also has a Space Anomaly, which is used by stalkers to throw away their trash[1], and can be used by the player to teleport to the railway tunnel at the far east, where the body of Navel is found.

The location is not directly part of the Faction Wars, although it is possible for the defending stalkers to be killed by mutants, in which case loner squad leaders in the Cordon may provide a side quest to recapture the bridge.


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

Kuznetsov holds a unique pistol, the Fort-15, which can be retrieved by killing him.

The following stashes are found in this location:

Clear Sky[]

The following stashes are found in this location:

  • Chest above bridge


Regardless of revision, the railway bridge was always a part of the Cordon, although its state varied. In the earliest builds, it was perfectly intact and the road underneath was passable to vehicles. It was not until later revisions that it started to fall apart.

Build 1114[]

Build 1472[]


Shadow of Chernobyl[]

Clear Sky[]


  • Besides the electro tunnel and the military checkpoint, the player can also pass back and forth to the other side through the west end of the railway line, where the barbed wire ends. There's also a locomotive with stashes nearby. Multiple dogs and fleshes camp the distance between this passage and the farmstead where Fox is.


  1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R Sniper on the bridge: "Man, we ain't got a clue either, but whatever we throw in there disappears. We usually throw all our trash into it, to protect the environment, you know. But then we saw piles of our trash in an anomaly in one of the tunnels. Some really weird things are happening in the Zone. It's crazy!"