The Road to fire station is a location in Limansk in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
The location is at the northern end of Limansk. It is comprised of a three story building with a sign over the front entrance that reads, "НИИ Радиоволна" (Scientific Research Insitute Radiowave). There's a large paved space in front of the building with a small pond. A second-floor walkway in the back of the building connects it another large building with no windows on the ground floor.
You see, there was a closed institute there, a real big one, with houses built specially for scientists and their servants. It was a research institute with some fancy name...something like Radiowave.
― Forester
According to dialogue with Forester, the Radiowave Institute was the heart of Limansk, with the city being specifically built for the residents and their families. The Institute was namely responsible for the design and construction of the nearby antennas. What the Institute was working on is unknown, but Forester suggests that it was mind control experiments, and that the antennas were part of it. In the wake of the 1986 disaster, the city was not evacuated; what happened to the Institute's personnel and the Limansk residents is unknown, but the city has been completely abandoned before 2011.
Clear Sky[]
The area is the player's final obstacle in Limansk before the Abandoned hospital. It is home to numerous Monolith stalkers. Initially, passage through the area is blocked by means of an electrified fence, which the player must deactivate by shutting down the generator supplying energy to the fence near the Institute itself. After the fence has been deactivated, Clear Sky will send reinforcements; the player must eliminate the remaining Monolith forces, including a sniper positioned in a tower by the fire station, before proceeding towards the hospital.