S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki

Serbin's Group is trio of three mercenaries appearing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


Little is known about the group, but it is presumed that they are part of a rival research institute or potentially rouge ecologists. They are unique from other Mercenaries in that they wear SSP-99M Suits. Serbin has an UDP Compact holstered while his two companions wield TRs 301s.



Call of Pripyat[]

The group is only encountered once after being informed by Garry that a meeting involving the Mercenaries is about to take place in the Apartment Complex. Once there, the player is tasked with eliminating Serbin and Jackel. Once one or both targets or eliminated. Serbin's companions will flee, though the player has the option to eliminate them too.

Related missions[]
