S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl.

It is, is it?!... I'm warning you, I've got connections! Everyone knows me here! You think you'll last long in the Zone with a bad rep, stalker? What do you say to that, huh? Don't be expecting help from anyone around here, 'cause you'll be shit outta luck!
― Snag

Snag (Ru. Коряга) is a character appearing in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl under the alias of "Lex the Legend".


Snag is a shady Loner who has been residing in the area of Zaton for some time. He is a known swindler with an unsavory reputation among both free stalkers.[quote. 1] He also used to work with Sultan's bandits, though the latter have been after him recently over debts.[quote. 2]


Call of Pripyat[]

Snag is initially found at the bar in the Skadovsk, at the table just by the entrance to the ship. He will offer a quest to retrieve a locked box inside a crashed car near the petrol station, afterwards the loot will be shared by both him and the player. Inevitably, he will end up with the lion's share of the loot (three items out of five) despite claiming the two would split everything equally. As an alternative, the player can take the box to Cardan who will crack it open for a mere 500 RU, netting the player the contents.

Later on, if the player purchases and equips any weapon from Nimble, Snag will try to take the gun, claiming it was stolen from him. If the player refuses to hand the gun over, Snag will back down and the player can confront Nimble about the accusation; Snag will then disappear from the Skadovsk. The player can then ask Beard, Grouse or Sultan about his whereabouts. All three will direct the player towards the Dock cranes which is occupied by several Bandits. They take note that the player is the one with the "unique shooter" and one of the bandits demands to be paid, revealing Snag was the one who set up the trap. Refusing to pay them will make them all hostile.

Afterwards, Snag will hide in Yanov station and if the player asks him about the set up, he will feign ignorance. As soon as the player leaves Yanov, Snag will rob the player's personal box.

The player can then interrogate Yanov's residents about the theft; however, nearly all of them claim they were too occupied with their own affairs to be bothered by the player's missing loot. Nitro and Lieutenant Colonel Shulga will note that if Duty took over, such a theft would not have occurred. Only Bonesetter provides the most useful information stating that he ran into Snag and can point where he was headed. Depending on the player's progression in the main story, the player may have to interrogate Zulu to know more about Snag's whereabouts.

Snag can be found once again in the Substation north of Yanov, where he has been severely injured by a bandit on Sultan's orders. The player may either kill Snag or rescue him with a medkit, which will prompt him to tell where he hid the player's goods; otherwise, the player will have to retrieve Snag's PDA from his body to get a clue. The player's equipment can be found in the basement of the substation along with either a random assault rifle with some ammo or armor and helmet, though all of them will be low-to-mid-tier; a Veles detector or a Berill-5M armoured suit may also be found among the stolen goods.

If Snag has been saved (or spared by the player if the Bandit has been dispatched), he will remain inside Yanov station for the rest of the game, either sitting on the crate behind Grizzly or at Pilot's table if Strider has been recruited into Duty.

Related missions[]

  • Unreachable Stash: Snag hires the player to retrieve the Steel box from the bottom of a chasm near the Gas station.
  • Reputation: Snag will dishonestly try to take away one of Nimble's weapons, claiming it as his own. The player must then deal with Snag.
  • Theft: Snag steals the player's goods in their personal locker in Yanov Station, prompting the player to search for him in the area.

Heart of Chornobyl[]

Snag can be found in Flea Market sitting by a campfire giving false information to other stalkers under the alias of "Lex the Legend."

When you engage in conversation with him, he initially offers a free tip. However, if you ask for more, it will cost 1,500 coupons. If you confront him about his lies, you are presented with two choices:

  • Make a deal, where he provides you with the coordinates to a legendary stash containing a broken PTM and a loaf of bread.
  • Attack him, which will provoke hostility from other stalkers nearby.


Quote Condition

Wow, that's a nice shooter! Let me have a look at it.

Unused - see glitches section

Quote Condition
I've seen so much in the Zone... sometimes those memories keep me up at night. That's when I head to the Poppy Field - you can catch up on a week's worth of sleep in just a couple of hours. Idle
Blind dogs aren't fully blind, and they're terrified of the color orange. It reminds them of fire, you see. Those instincts are awfully strong.
If you're facing off against a Poltergeist, get drunk first. Those creatures are blind and deaf, but they can still sense your presence. But if you can't sense yourself, the mutants can't either!
Ever tried disabling an anomaly with a grenade? A well-placed hit won't destroy it outright, but it can render the anomaly harmless for about a minute. Active Conversation
I can tell this isn't your first rodeo - you need an advanced tip. Well, here you go: a pseudogiant is kind of like a bear, and its eyesight is poor at best. If you run into one, freeze and stay put. It'll think you're part of the scenery and leave you alone - unless you piss it off first. But then you're going to need a whole new plan anyway. After paying him 1500 coupons for a tip


  • The game files contain a spoken line of dialogue for Snag to say when approaching him with any of Nimble's weapons, but due to an error in the conditions in his logic file, the line is never used.


  1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R Nimble: " I know him. He's always been a crook, but lately he's gotten really out of hand, scamming stalkers like that..."
  2. S.T.A.L.K.E.R Sultan: "I ought to shake that punk down for some money he owes me, but I keep forgetting."