S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Howdy. Listen, if it ain't urgent, let's chat later, k?
― Spartacus

Spartacus (Ru. Спартак) is Beard's go-to security expert aboard the Skadovsk during the events of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.


Spartacus served as a member of an unidentified riot police force prior to moving to the Zone[quote. 1]. Though he never stated his reasons for entering the Zone, he ended up serving as the head of Beard's security force, operating exclusively in Zaton. His work entails protecting Loners in the area and keeping the peace between Sultan and Beard.


Call of Pripyat[]

Spartacus and his special band of stalkers can initially be found occupying the interior of the Shevchenko, seemingly in reserve.

He first plays a major role during The Hit where he and his men are the target of a midnight raid by Knuckles on the Shevchenko. In order for the Bandits to win, Knuckles - or at least one of participating Bandits - must survive and Spartacus must die. If the raid fails and Spartacus survives, he will appear at Morgan's arms deal, attempting to break it up with or without the player's assistance. If the player has opted to join the Loners, he will usually survive, but if the player sides with Morgan or Sultan, he will likely die quickly in the gunfight, though not before killing one or both of the Mercenaries providing security.

After the fight, if he dies, the player can acquire likely their first GP-25 Koster, attached to the underside of his AK. If he has survived, he provides the coordinates to a SPSA-14 stash not too far from the site of the arms deal, and instructs the player to return to Beard for their share of the reward. Spartacus and his team will occupy the Ranger station for a few hours, before making their way back to the Skadovsk. Spartacus' surviving strike team members become regular stalkers patrolling Zaton while Spartacus himself remains inside the Skadovsk bar permanently alongside two of his men, stating that he will contact the player if anything else comes up.

If Spartacus survives, he can be approached as a candidate for guarding the scientists in Jupiter. If selected, he will bring a group of Loners with him to reinforce the mobile lab and protect it from mutant attacks.

Related missions[]

  • The Hit: He is the target of the Bandits' raid, although the player is given the option to side with him.
  • Transaction: If the mission The Hit was completed in the Loners' favor, he will assault Morgan's deal alongside a group of stalkers.
  • Guarding the scientists: He is one of the few potential candidates for guarding the bunker.


  • Spartacus is the first unusually tough stalker the player will likely run into - even if the player and the Bandits manage to kill the rest of the Shevchenko Loners, he will often kill off most of the Bandits himself. However, when players sides with the Loners, he will usually quite easy die, sometimes he even will be the only one who died from the group despite him having one of best weaponry out from all stalkers there (he has an AKM-74/2).
  • Spartacus surviving the Shevchenko raid is a prerequisite for Owl giving the player the chance to join Morgan. The player must not alert the Loners of the raid, and the entire Bandit team must die.


  1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R Beard: "My guys - Spartacus and his crew. They've been around the block. Some were security guards before coming to the Zone and some even come from special police forces, believe it or not. They know which end of a gun goes boom..."