S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki
The subject of this article appears in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

The job's done. You can collect the goods.
― Nimble when an order is available for retrieval

Special order is a repeatable side mission in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat associated with Nimble's orders.


The player can place an order for various items from Nimble, who is found in the Skadovsk's upper levels, at any time. Unlike other traders of the game, Nimble does not sell items through a regular trade menu, but through an ordering system.

When placing an order, the player is given a choice among multiple categories (see "Items" section for all possible categories and the associated items), each category having a fixed price. Nimble will request 20% of the price as downpayment, and will request that the player pays the remaining 80% when retrieving the order. After placing an order, Nimble disappears from the Skadovsk for 24 in-game hours. He will return after the 24 hours have elapsed, though the process can be sped up by sleeping for that duration in the nearby bunk beds.

After Nimble returns, he will have the ordered item available. The item he delivers is chosen at random among all available items in the ordered category. Each item is available only once, and is removed from further orders when retrieved. When Nimble has the ordered item, the player may either accept it and pay the remaining amount, put it on hold or refuse it. Choosing the second option will have Nimble keep the weapon in store until the player accepts it or refuses it, although it won't be possible to place any new order until the previous one has been accepted or refused.

Refusing an order will cause Nimble to deem the player as an "unreliable customer" and increase the price for the next orders by 20%. In addition, any rejected item will become permanently unavailable. If the player exhausts all possible orders in a given category, then Nimble will refuse any new order in that category, stating he's experiencing temporary difficulties. Likewise, exhausting all possible orders in all categories will have Nimble simply tell the player his shop is closed for the time being when trying to place a new order.


Category Cost Items
Pistols 3 500 RU
4 200 RU (bad reputation)
SIP-t M200 SoC
UDP Compact SoC
Black Kite SoC
Steppe Eagle
Close-range weapon 10 000 RU
12 000 RU (bad reputation)
SPSA14 icon
Eliminator icon
Viper 5 SoC
Assault weapon 20 000 RU
24 000 RU (bad reputation)
Tunder S14 icon
GP37 icon
FT200M icon
Sniper weapon 20 000 RU
24 000 RU (bad reputation)
SHOC Vintorez
SVUmk-2 icon
SVDm-2 icon
Armored suit 40 000 RU
48 000 RU (bad reputation)
CS-3a icon CoPTactical helmet icon
CS-3a body armor with Tactical helmet
Suit with a closed-cycle respiratory module 30 000 RU
36 000 RU (bad reputation)
SEVA icon
SEVA suit
Exoskeleton 60 000 RU
72 000 RU (bad reputation)
Exo icon


  • The item being delivered is determined when the player places the order, not when Nimble returns with the item. Thus, if one wishes to obtain a specific item, it is necessary to make a save before placing the order, and reloading that save if necessary until the desired item is obtained.
  • Ordering a suit with a closed-cycle respiratory module is only made available after the mission Pripyat 1 has been started.
  • It is necessary to complete this mission at least once in order to start Snag's mission Reputation, since it requires the player to have any of Nimble's weapons in either inventory slot to start the appropriate conversation.
  • Nimble's non-unique weapons (the Eliminator, GP37 and FT-200M) are actually unique weapons from an engine point of view, although the only difference between Nimble's weapons and their regular counterparts is that traders buy the former at a higher price.


  • If the player has lowered their reputation with Nimble by refusing an order, it can be restored to normal by accepting any subsequent order.
  • Nimble will not leave his quarters until the player has gained sufficient distance away from him. Likewise, he will not reappear in his quarters if the player is too close to it when he is supposed to return.