Spotty is a character mentioned in both Shadow of Chernobyl.
Shadow of Chernobyl[]
Not much is known about Spotty's background, but one dialogue in Shadow of Chernobyl explains his last raid.
The three of us were getting ready to try to get through to the North. We didn't know when the Scorcher emissions were lower but Spotty managed to get the info somewhere...I don't know where... We were half-way through the sector, when the Scorcher suddenly switched on again. Spotty passed out straight away and fell down the hillside. I panicked and said that we should leave everything and go back. Hunchback managed to pull himself together and said that we had to get Spotty out... I said "You're an idiot, don't you wanna live? It's over for him, how are we gonna carry him all the way back?" Just as he managed to convince me and started to climb down to get Spotty... another wave came. By the time I came to my senses I was by the military base... I thought Hunchback and Spotty stayed there... but Hunchback got him out and didn't make it himself... he got him out...
― Baldy describes what happened
Spotty's name is referenced within the stable_bio_name.xml file, where his description reads as follows:
Stranger affected by the Brain Scorcher.
― Cut description[2]