The Substation workshops are a location in Zaton in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
Based on the name, the location was a workshops for the nearby substation. The location is comprised of several buildings and a backyard.
Call of Pripyat[]
The workshops are home to a mercenary squad led by Hatchet. Initially, Hatchet will not allow the player in, until they have solved his food supply problem, after what he'll allow the player to explore the area though he asks the player to keep their guns holstered (doing otherwise will turn Hatchet and his team hostile). Afterwards, Hatchet can be recruited for the Ecologists in Yanov when they are looking for new guards.
If the player does not talk to Hatchet, then his squad will disappear from the premises after the mission Pripyat 1 has been completed. Alternatively, he will also leave if the player has hired him to guard Hermann's bunker. If the mercenaries have vacated the workshops, then random Loners and Bandits may explore the area.
A set of Tools for fine work can be found at the workshops, in the backyard.
- Stash containing a First-aid kit and 120 rounds of 5.45x39mm FMJ; in the back of the UAZ in front of the buildings.
- Stash containing two Army medkits, three bandages, a Hercules and a Vinca; above the tools, on a beam holding the metal rooftop.
- Stash containing 180 rounds of 5.56x45mm SS109 and 100 rounds of 9x19mm FMJ; hidden on a tree directly south of the workshops.