A prototype of an expanded functionality anomalous frequency scanner. This device comes with a program used to identify static areas of anomalous activity stored in its database, while retaining the ability to locate artifacts. The position of anomalous areas and artifacts is displayed on a special screen. The artifact search mode, which can be activated by opening the front LED display, has been modified to detect anomalous formations currently unknown to science.
― In-game description
The Svarog Detector is a prototype anomaly and artifact detector featured only in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. It is the most advanced detector in the Zone.

The Svarog is not a mass produced device - it is a marvel of engineering constructed by Novikov in the employ of the Ecologists. It features expanded functionality compared to the regular Veles detector - apart from a program used to identify static areas of anomalous activity and detect artifacts, the scanner can detect anomalies not analyzed by scientists yet; one of the main features Novikov added to the device.

The Svarog detector in use.
Though visually similar to the Veles detector, the Svarog detector displays anomalies on the LED display, as well as artifacts, making artifact hunting much easier and limits the use of bolts to discharging certain anomalies, or to finding the limits of larger gravitational anomalies such as the Whirligig or Springboard, which might not be accurately depicted on the screen.
It can also locate a larger variety of artifacts than the Veles detector, and can even detect artifacts far away from anomaly fields, even inside buildings.
Artifacts are now shown as tiny green dots on the LED display, sometimes being hard to see, particularly with night-vision, or being near a cluster of anomalies, usually covering the tiny dot. However, some artifacts, such as Flame, Firefly, Night Star are shown as bigger dots, thus being able to be seen (the larger the dot, the more financial value it's worth). Despite these minor flaws, the Svarog detector is the best in terms of artifact hunting and navigating through anomalies.
The Svarog detector also sends out a frequency that causes Space anomalies to become unstable and explode. This can be observed in a mission from the Ecologists the player can take on after the previous ones have been completed.
Unlike other detectors, Hawaiian is the only trader who will buy this item from the player, at 50% of its price.

The space anomaly on the Cooling Tower.
Detected Artifacts[]
- Crystal
- Fireball
- Jellyfish
- Stone Flower
- Stone Blood
- Meat Chunk
- Sparkler
- Flash
- Mama's Beads
- Night Star
- Wrenched
- Soul
- Kolobok
- Moonlight
- Battery
- Eye
- Flame
- Gravi
- Goldfish
- Bubble
- Firefly
- Shell
- Snowflake
- Altered Wheel
- Altered Insulator
- Compass
- Heart of the Oasis
The Svarog detector is obtained as a reward for the mission Tempting Business, which requires the player to deliver three Veles detectors to Novikov so that the Svarog can be developed. After delivering the detectors and waiting for a while, the player will be advised by Owl to speak to Beard, who will give the detector to the player, stating he's not interested in buying it.
From this point on, Crest and Sledgehammer will replace their Veles detectors with Svarogs. They can be obtained by trading them for a high-end weapon, or by killing them.
Svarog detectors are sold by Hermann after the achievement Research Assistant has been obtained. Topol also holds one in his inventory after he joins the Iskra Scientific Research and Investigation Team.
- "Svarog" is the Slavonic god of blacksmithing and fire. Both this detector, and the Veles detector are named after Slavonic gods.
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