S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki

Talk page for the "Farshooter" SVDm-2:

Svd Dragunov

The feared "Farshooter" SVDm-2.

Please, before making any changes (except those who add content or corrects the weapons values, like the zoom incremental factor) please discuss it here first, especially if it comes to deleting content.


X-18 04:37, July 7, 2012 (UTC).

Considering this (or a weapon very, very similar) was essentially restored in Call of Pripyat (or was it Clear Sky? My memory's a little foggy there), should that be mentioned?

I think so. X-18 22:22, February 6, 2013 (UTC) 18:53, November 3, 2012 (UTC) In Clear Sky the only special weapons are Tank's machine gun (PKM with 2000 bullets magazine) and Trophy AKM (AKS rechambered to use 7.62 rounds), in CoP Lynx, special variant of SVD is just normal SVD with little tweak in accuracy, damage and recoil. It doesn't have better scope, so I think we shouldn't mention it in this article. Pangia (talk) 10:49, November 4, 2012 (UTC)

This article primarly mentions a unique gun set in the SoC-universe, but others are free to add other (unique, not equally upgradable variants?) content to this article. Greets, X-18 22:22, February 6, 2013 (UTC)